
OK, I am going to ask you some serious questions:

He has voiced Ferb in Phineas and Ferb for years as well as Olivia Olsen (who played his love interest in Love Actually) voices Vanessa Doofenschmirtz. The running gag in the show is that every time Ferb sees Vanessa, he goes all googly-eyed and in love with her.

If you dig deeper, here is the Authorized Reasons to Release information to Law Enforcement:

I don’t know about the practice in Texas, the company I work for actually requires that you contact a manager if you suspect fraud (which in this case would be name/picture on ID doesn’t match records), they are supposed to work with the fraud prevention department to determine the issue. I have never heard of

HIPAA covers everyone who works at a medical facility, from the volunteers, janitors, cafeteria workers... all the way to the nurses and doctors. The only exceptions I am aware of to release information to police (from my yearly required training) are for actual or suspected crimes against others or self-injuring.

His knowledge of the game? You mean his knowledge of the teams in his conference who he played against for 4 years. If he had true knowledge of the game, he would have been playing for the BCS Trophy instead of Mariota

:34 into the video Charles Barkley comes out and says “Im glad I didn’t get caught this time”

Actually it was a foot fault

The best part of that was the fact that filming was going on while the building was under construction and Fox charged it’s own movie an enormous amount of money for “rent” of a building that wasn’t even completed.

Not allowed to use hand-made cables. The company I work for has a nice warrantied contract with a cable vendor that requires that all cabling be of a certain brand for everything. If it isn’t, we lose a nice 25-yr warranty agreement.

Since he wants to see President Obama’s full form birth certificate, I want to see his full DD-214!

It’s not you. The PAC-12 Network announcers that get assigned to any Oregon game are complete homers for Oregon’s opponents. The targeting penalty was completely correct, he took two additional steps AFTER the slide, lowered his head and launched into the QB. But if you just listened to the announcers, it sounds like

I only have Macs, will it still work for me, or do I have to dual boot my windshield?

Kim K is just the spokesperson. The company did get fined and was told to re-do the ad.

Or hearing banging and screaming from the hull of the boat

Just make a call to the Coast Guard or sheriff and tell them that a visibly drunken woman is driving her boat.

I just got this one from Siri:

Coming from someone who grew up in Portland, let me tell you welcome. Secondly, the first day it rains, TAKE THE FRACKIN’ DAY OFF WORK. Then sit back on your couch and listen to all of the accidents all over the roads due to the rain.

This? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl