Danson at Work

Yea, someone said earlier that his Big picture ideas were good it was just very poorly executed and I couldn’t agree more. I think the Iceman situation is the perfect example of Bendis issue as a writer. If he had just made Bobby bisexual it would have accomplished everything we wanted and was simple enough where it

I was never a huge Bendis fan, really only following his early Ultimate Spider Man run in middle school, but this is probably the biggest comic related story of the year. True he had some recent duds and has alot of hate on the internet but it is kind of hard to oversell how essential he has been to Marvel over the

Can’t wait for Kitty Pryde to start inexplicably showing up in Green Lantern books.

The moment he turned from Marvel, a number of Marvel readers changed their tune on him. Meanwhile, DC readers don’t really care, because there are a lot of decent writers already working for DC.

So Rusty is a pre-internet troll? I should have sympathy for him but fuck that, you don’t deport people because you’re mad, sad and lonely. That’s some psycho shit.

What a brave woman. Not that I’d want to spend any time with a person like Rusty, but I’m glad someone did just so we can understand why he does what he does. We may not agree with his actions (I certainly don’t), but I appreciate that someone took the time to find out WTF Rusty’s damage is in case it can be fixed.

Armisen should only play his own weird-ass characters and the Queen of England.

Bill Heder tells a story about being at the season wrap party after season 3 or 4. he was still nervous about staying on the cast. it wasn’t until then that Lorne verbally said he was ok.

The impression I get about Lorne is that he doesn’t really do normal human relationships. Remember, he was ok with Dan Aykroyd openly dating his wife. And he seems to value fairly superficial celebrity friendships above all else.

Hammond’s had a rough life; that was a very tone deaf move by formerly sympathetic Lorne.

Somehow I’ve completely managed to avoid hearing of these guys until now. I’m glad I did - they’re fucking great.

Jared Leto was able to land the role by sending Villeneuve exactly 2049 used condoms and 2 quarts of Dustin Diamond’s blood.  

Part of what bugs me is that there are never that many of them, in that the same ones keep repeating. I watched a bunch of Difficult People yesterday and it made me want to murder This Is Us.

The hardest and longest I’ve ever laughed at any thing on TV was when Jon Hamm yelled ‘BANJO!!’ during the 6th season live show. It took me half an hour to regain enough composure to continue watching it. I had already looked up the price of the series on Amazon when I heard this news. Thanks, Hulu!

But who’s picking up The Good Guys?!!!!!!!!

Hulu has usually been better than Netflix. Certainly, it took a huge hit when it lost the Criterion Collection, but getting 30 Rock is a step in the right direction.


Streaming on Hulu: marginally better than not being able to stream at all.

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Did the deal also include new episodes of Bitch Hunter?

I appreciate your effort, AV Club, but I think it’s time to retire Reasonable Discussions. I am pretty positive that a large number of people who kept this feature alive and quit after the switch won’t be back. And the ones that do participate aren’t going to produce discussions that are reasonable, if you see where I