CG Brad4

I’ve lived in Japan for over 7 years now where these types of systems are almost ubiquitous, I hate that most Americans feel like this is some sort of sexual experience. Though I guess that is kind of telling for the lack of effective sex education taught in our schools. When I return to the US, I have plans to

I’ve lived in Japan for over 7 years now where these types of systems are almost ubiquitous, I hate that most

I’m sorry to admit I read the whole trilogy, I could not find a solid plot or character development in the whole series. I should have learned my lesson from the first one, it was worse than watching old porn videos. 

Why have you decided to start an all out war with a bunch of crazy people who have literally been hoping for just sort of a thing? Have you reached a completely different level of insanity? 

I was in Southern California, wandering around getting some lunch before my haircut at a local strip mall. Some upper middle aged man comes up to me in a panic. I don’t know his story but from what I gather he had, had some misfortune with his regular phone and was forced to buy a new one from a nearby discount phone

The next actor to play Doctor Who was only selected to sate the whiny of social justice warriors who don’t understand character and story development, and would rather see the world burn the the name of their misguided and ignorant understanding of equality than have ay really discussion on the topics they bitch about.