I have a fairly decent memory and this trick just does not work for me.
I have a fairly decent memory and this trick just does not work for me.
I must be a typical guy because I really don't care about the "fit" of a shirt as long as it buttons or does not look like I tried to stuff 10 pounds of crap in a 5 lb bag.
I hate to say this (because that is a really cool idea), but the position of those fans in relation to the MacBook Pro are going to do very little to actually cool the system as the PC is out of the direct flow of air that is either being pushed or pulled by the fans. Tossing a bunch of fans into a cabinet or case…
OK Chrysler - this is a great concept. Now, lets see a package like this for the Challenger with the 5.7L motor and all the base trim items intact throughout the car.
What kind of car is that? It appears to either have a "pull back" motor or has been modified to slide down the vertical track more easily.
If only the new model was as clean looking as the original. It is sad to see GM turn back to slapping overly bulky trim/bumpers on car to make them look "more expensive."
And the Nexus One is $170 with the Charger. But I would be a fool to sell my unlocked AT&T model for that little.
How different is this from my cone filter Melita coffee maker? Or the my Cuisinart automatic drip maker that uses the same cone filters?
Extension tubes are cheap. And some even allow for auto-focus. And extension tubes can be backed up with close up filter to see if you like close up photography.
This is why I lust for full size muscle cars. What an amazing ride.
I would have this setup very similar to this in my house except for the fact that Ikea Stolmen need to be fastened permanently to the ceiling and I am not going to risk that in a house with popcorn coating on the ceilings.
Makes me proud to say that I traded my last Ford for another 2 years ago.
I purchased the NexusOne for AT&T so I do not have to worry about being blocked by the carrier.
I have worked as an IT consultant/contractor on 3 occasions and in each case, I was treated like a piece of rodent excrement by my supervisors. In one case, I even had the owner of the consulting firm steal a presentation (at a national conference) and the associated white paper that I wrote about a new financial…
Ford Fusion based crossover??????? Isn't that called the Ford Edge-uh! here in the states?
Do all performance cars "Improted From Detroit" have to look like they had a tour of duty drifting in Tokyo before hitting the big roads of 'Merica?????
If this thing actually had the trim style of the 1969 ZL1, then I would place a pre-order for this car. But, I don't want a car that looks like it was styled by the folks at "pimp my ride" because that crap just attracts attention that I don't need.
Hmmm.... Must be longer, harder and deeper.
@KillerKoala: My first observation as well.