
The full body scans hit you with penetrating radiation. Considering that I am already weird enough due to constant exposure to very low level radiation growing up as the son of an industrial radiographer, I think I will take my chances with being groped by a civil servant.

@GreenN_Gold: The moral of the story is to not trust Firefox spell checker while typing in a NPOCP thread :D

Crack pipe as it is only a 2WD Jeep.

@tobythesandwich: I personally am too Irish to resemble that, but I did drive my black Panther to Holiday Inn Express last night. ;D

@tobythesandwich: I saw one of those (sporting NY tags) on the PA Turnpike on the outskirts of Philly. The driver of the abomination must have thought that I was a fellow livery driver in my black Panther and decided to run with me. I must say I was impressed by the hybrids pick up and ability to handle traffic

So does this mean the V22 is going to be history. Well, it track record is questionable.

@BeefSupreme: And the M.A.S.K. tagline was "Illusion is the Ultimate Weapon."

So is this the new trend in limos as I have read that Ford is replacing the Towncar Livery Package with an assortment of stretched MKTs.

@flatfive: I cannot believe he didn't lift when the front end first started lifting. Amazing.

Who stuck a straw in a Prius and blew it up on size bigger.....

@zekestone: Rear drive cars are much more difficult to leverage into these new modular assembly lines than their newer front drive counterparts. Not only is the compact driveline of front drivers slightly more efficient to operate with fewer moving parts, but they also are much cheaper for the auto manufacturer to

I am leaning towards the theory of driver error by hitting the brakes prior to the chute being deployed.

@zekestone: I admit I was off a couple of years because I thought the P2 was out a bit earlier than 1998.

I am still missing the point of where Ford is headed. Front drive luxury cars are not what the market desires (As Cadillac proved in the 80s/90s) and the Ford brand seems too intent on making too many models from too few platforms.

@philaDLJ: Utley, Howard, J.Ro, Doc's, Hammel, etc.....

This just makes me understand why Dad always sad that the 1972 model was the most desirable.

@davidr521: Please don't print corporate financials in Comic Sans!