@AlienProbe: I have to admit that the suspension made it and the orange one a favorite of mine. Much better than the other Ford 4X4 pictured here. But this jacked up Ford Courier was cool as well.
@AlienProbe: I have to admit that the suspension made it and the orange one a favorite of mine. Much better than the other Ford 4X4 pictured here. But this jacked up Ford Courier was cool as well.
@kurtbroz: I liked my General Lee. In fact, I like all three of them. But I am not sure how I got the third General as the first was purchased individually and the second came with the Hazard County assortment with a pair of Police Cars which I used to play Smokey and the Bandit II.
@Ryans92L: I still have mine as well. It is put away in the attic of Mom's house and I really do not look forward to going after it.
@cgarison: I just noticed that the image above is a "Hot Wheels" copy of the Javelin because it has the wrong wheels on the car. That expalins the wierd yellow plastic windshield because I am pretty sure mine was clear.
@Ninety-9: I put the lid down on the grill to monitor the temperature and evenly cook meat.
@UDMan: I thought you were already a contributor to Jalopnik???
Figures Lie.
I do not have a car that "got away." I usually use one up before get rid of it.
Is that a Fonera or a full fledged Pinapple in the the photo above?????
I have always wondered how in the hell the Ruskies could build a rocket on its side when the western world builds rockets vertically so that they can accurately stack all the tolerances in the pieces.
I have been using this as I have become a very, very recent convert to MSE from Comodo which became an extreme resource hog in the last few updates.
I just use really large portrait images from my Flickr gallery and have some neat HDR backgrounds from Philly and SE PA suburbs.
@Ice27828: True, but most corporations ban iTunes on computers which prevent me from using either of my iPods.
I have a 16GB, 8GB, 3-4GB, 1 2GB and 2 1 GB thumb drives in my computer case at all times. File transfer issue solved.
@Xagest: IR ports are a dying technology. I have noticed that fewer and fewer laptops have this feature from the factory.
@mawcs: Yes, I also have a PC hooked up to the TV in the living room that actually does better because it has iTunes, Windows Media Center, and Hulu. This means I can watch all network shows that are available on demand on my 42" TV plus it has a really good Kensington Keyboard and an adequate MCE remote.
I purchased a cooling pad many years ago because the heat from my laptop was too intense when I was using it on the sofa.
@FriarNurgle: For streaming or playing a DVD, that is fine, but I have found that the Atom processor really struggles at decoding HD content (even with the nVidia ION Graphics) that is downloaded to the PC or being played from a Blu-Ray disc. For that reason, I took a bunch of spare PC parts, purchased a MoBo/Case/PS…