Rear drive.
Rear drive.
Hey FoMoCo! Does this give you an idea to bring back the Thunderbird????
It needs to be more open if Google wants it to be a success. Cut the invite process. Plus, it is blocked by most corporate firewalls because it can be used to store files offsite which can be a no-no in the world of PCI (retailers) and SOX (publicly traded companies).
@Admiral_Axon: Veronica Belmont Rocks.
6 Canons? What is that Canon front and center? I see a Nikon D3x by Canon front and center.
I have cooked pizza on the grill for 10 years now and I love it. The key is to be very, very patient and make sure the coals are ready.
It is funny that when you grow old, it is just fine to have a good quality desktop computer and a netbook instead of lugging a desktop replacement laptop everywhere you go.
@pkl007: Second nod for MicroCenter. The store in Villanova/St.Davids, PA has at least two on the showroom floor and many more in stock.
That is one hell of a sleeper Bimmer, but that much motor would have to have a negative impact on the handling of the car.
@Michael Crider: Gina is not the only "coder girl" in the world. I am going to marry my coder girl in the next 3 months. :)
I usually like the opportunity to clean up my HD with an upgrade and get a fresh start. Bit rot horribly degrades Windows performance and I usually refresh my system once a year regardless of a HD upgrade or not.
So the jet engines get lobotomized by mother nature in a similar manner as engines got clunked in the Cash for Clunkers program last year.
Yes, but the US government has not modified their standards to allow a car to shutoff at a stop light and auto start before pulling away.
GMail and Google Calender are way better than MS Outlook.
I would talk him down some from that price, but this would be a great car for my PCH stash out back.
I just consolidated a bunch of Word docs, Excel workbooks, PDFs, and images in OneNote yesterday plus attached a few clippings from the web. It is the tool to bring all together.
Does the Texas State Police disable the SmartKey feature or did the cop pull the keys out of the ignition and toss them on the seat beside him.
Part Subaru....
It was a leader by going with the round headlights before every car on the road was redesigned with them.
Finished all of my desktop PCs this morning, but my notebooks and netbooks still need some TLC. Some tips on that would be kinda nice for other that are not aware of dust issues in these devices.