
It looks like a 4 door Torino.

I bet GM could pay off all their debt to the feds if they reclaim the land and sell it off in subdivided lots perfect for McMansions. Yes, I am counting the money to go back to Toyota in the deal and I still think GM will be way ahead in the deal.

Jack Telnack was a design genius.

Props to Gina Trapani for not getting caught up in the hype and not purchasing one of these. She is the only reason This Week in Google was not the iPad show.

I am currently using the Journalist table as a desk. The self unit fell apart due to careless movers, but the table has given me 5 years of great service. Plus, when I do not need it, the legs unscrew and it slides under the bed and out of the way.

Cute. But I would say this is a waste of a perfectly good tackle box.


I have to add a vote for the Chrysler Sebring and its bland engineered cousin Dodge Avenger.

@bgrigg002: Those don't work. They just give you an alert to grab your trusty Colt Python (for those traveling by car) to present it to the intruder.

I am a Panther fan and I love my big bird T-Birds from the early 70's and their Lincoln cousins, but a Panther based Continental Mark VI is proof that a two door Towncar concept is totally crack.

Uh.... A "man" would use a Dremel rotary tool and and wipe out that edge in less than 30 seconds.

@Maave: Yea. It really sucks to be that 2.5% because people do not understand how I have three things flowing through the brain all at once and two projects on my desk plus a podcast in one ear a phone in the other. Plus, it really pisses off people when you are having two conversations with two groups of people

I can multi task and I don't like people telling me that I can't. If you want me to not multi task then you had better pump me full of Prozac so I can focus on only one thing at a time.

I really want that Gladiator concept. It needs a good V8 (not necessarily a Hemi) and should be sitting in the showroom by next summer so I can have a copy.

So to make the phone better Google is going to decouple the applications that make the phone work.

@twinturbo2: Only if Mr. Man wears a collar and gets his jollies playing with alter boys.