
Figure out how to turn it into some kind of nebulized solution for Cystic Fibrosis patients like myself.

@Toshi: Agreed, damn Rick Rubin and his "stripped down" production values. I think "New Divide" will be the closest we'll ever get to the old Linkin Park.

Do you get to declare Jihad when the infidels come in their blackhawks and kill your goats and light the oil fields up like the eyes of Allah?

@Arleas: Abnett wrote Eisenhorn and Ravenor, to me those are the truest representation of the Inquisition and how they do their work.

I can see why they are doing the Ultramarines for this game cause they have that whole Ultramarines movie coming out. But Orks to me are the most bland enemy in the entire 40K mythos. Maybe we'll get some Chaos Marines towards the end of the game like we did in DoW. Would love to do some battle against them the way

I wonder if he could make that slide into a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl?

I'm sure the Bullets App was rejected due to possibly insulting someone, somewhere

I was 13 and in middle school. Not one person in our family had a cell phone (That wouldn't be rectified until 2003 for me and 2005 for the rest of my family). My family just got the internet that month and a new PC that month with a Voodoo 2 that we had to wait a few months to get due to demand. That summer my

SC was the first game I bought with my own money back in middle school. The series holds a special place in my heart and the sequel is something I've been waiting for unlike any other.

@R0bster: Luckily Battle Net is going to do some matchmaking based on skill level. They also have some practice and anti-rushing maps built into MP to help us people who know jack squat about macro and micro, like me. So I'm in the same boat as you all.

Damn, now I have to get GH. I was a RB convert fully until this announcement.

SC was one the first PC games I bought with my own money. Up until then I had been playing mainly FPS games that my mom enjoyed as well so she usually footed the bill for those. So this series does hold a special place in my heart. I'm so excited we finally are getting the sequel to finish the story.

@Evdor: No he was saying that there people out there who, because they've only played DoW or just jumped on the 40K bandwagon, say that 40K ripped from Starcraft. Everyone here is saying it the other way around, SC ripped from 40K which is the "correct" allegation.

Ive been wondering what is up with the lack of Warhammer 40K on this website? I'm not asking for coverage of it all the time, but there have been a few stories on here about certain things that have roots based in the 40K mythos that you fail to bring up such as this article or the one on "Worst Alien Racists Ever".

@Covertghost: Well there is the issue of it being localized which gives you that tiny problem of language. Unless I'm wrong and you can play it in straight English even though its a Korean version.

King in the castle, king in the castle

One step closer to Space Marine power armor. Emperor willing.

@darkos87: Subscriptions will be for the Korean internet cafes. Sign up for an allotment of hours each month.