
It’s apparently part of a (5 year?) research project. That explains why it’s “free”, as you’ll probably guarantee the most participants. . Your surfing information is the catch, but apparently this will be scrubbed once the data is analyzed. Interestingly, the DNS address seems to be

I know what you mean. Cauliflower rice is more soft, but I actually like it. It could be possible that you’re over cooking it too. I cook 1/4 of a red onion chopped in a pan with a dash of olive oil. Than after the onions are slightly caramelized, I add the cauliflower rice and cover with a lid for 3-4mins. The idea

I don’t know what recipe you’re referring too. In any case, I don’t think you have to have “real issues with blood sugar levels” to benefit from the substitute.  Rice is much more caloric per gram so cauliflower rice is a good substitute if you’re trying to watch your weight in general. Plus you’re getting more

Cauliflower rice has removed actual rice from our sides. Very easy to make at home. I love it.

I would say confirmed. I only see it with the default SMS app on android. Running 7.1.1 on 6P. I don’t even see it in Allo.

If you use other browsers and chrome. Not only is it cross platform, it’s cross browser and mobile applications exist.

Great article. A tip to put out there:

QY7 are beyond my expectations. An absolute buy.

QY7 are beyond my expectations. An absolute buy.

It seems as though people don’t understand encryption and hopefully this can be promoted so people can calm down. The attackers only have the hashes, not the blob which is your passwords. The hash is simply the check that your username crossed with your password = the hash. This is why lastpass is telling users to

I want Miele to win, because I also own an S2 lol. However, if I were to truly place a vote, I'd place a vote for S5, S6 or S8. These vacuums not only have a HEPA filter (which you can buy on any Miele S series vaccuum so not exactly special in that sense), but the parts and vacuum themselves are HEPA sealed! If I

I want Miele to win, because I also own an S2 lol. However, if I were to truly place a vote, I'd place a vote for

I live in Canada. What information in your book will translate to Canadians, and what information will not? What percentage of the book is relevant to Canadians. For example, information on 401k does not. Thanks very much.

I had a Blendtec for over a year, now I'm trying out a Vitamix Total Nutrition Centre. These are my first impressions:

In a somewhat related comment: Be mindful of this situation. I flew business class for work for the first time, which had a lovely luggage weight limit which I met (weighed my luggage before I left). My connecting flight, was not business class (I thought it was), and so all of a sudden my baggage was OVER the weight

That's a bad rumor. Think about it logically. If the NSA forced them to shutdown, don't you think that means the NSA can't break the encryption? Isn't the best scenario to have people THINK they have a privacy solution when they actually don't?

Wow, that's really good. Honestly, seems like a special case. I've been in the engineering business for 7 years, a licensed engineer for 3. I make about 90k now, but I started around 45k. I've been toying with the idea of an MBA for a few years now, but I'm not sure if it's worth the debt at this point. Lot's to

70k start as an engineer? What? I don't know what country that starts in. Australia? 10-15 years over 100k is true if you're good at your engineering job in all areas. Design, client relations, project management, proposals etc.

This is a funny one for me. Although I use Swiftkey for my day to day, I personally think Keymonk is the best keyboard. The ONLY reason I use Swiftkey is because it remembers addresses I put it. In other words, when I start typing an address, it recommends the next bits of information and I can simply hit the

Are we really talking GROSS and not NET? Gross, as in before taxes? Also, savings of 15% gross income? That's a lot of savings.

I'm in a similar situation, and I feel like I have a good opinion here.

ya that's BS. I root my Galaxy S3 to have access to other root required apps and run the stock ROM.