To the Author: Amazing how you tell us none of the emails were from Hillary and then say we don’t know what is in the emails.
To the Author: Amazing how you tell us none of the emails were from Hillary and then say we don’t know what is in the emails.
Why direct your anxiety at him? If there is something bad that impacts H, it will be something evidencing serious wrongdoing by H.
Huma made her choices. Like mother, like daughter. Funny how both Hillary and Huma made remarkably self serving decisions to marry pigs that could help them get ahead.
How do you know what “privileges” Reburns has? Trump isn’t going to win, but the US has survived two world wars, Vietnam, Johnson, Nixon, and GWBush and its still pretty much the best country around. All you silly people talk about moving to Canada, it’s enough to make me vote republican with all your self pitying…