
Best purchase ever. This is my ‘13 XLT SCREW ‘Shirley’. She’s getting traded in for a new Raptor when they come out in ‘17. I will never go back to an SUV or car. It rides just as nice and I can haul an epic amount of crap in it, plus my kiddos. That back seat is no joke. It’s HUGE.

As an owner of a large truck with a >80” width and a 4” lift, I feel your pain. Thankfully I live in the midwest where roads are nice and wide, but parking garagaes are the bain of my existense. I was up in Milwaukee and had to find a parking garage for dinner. I had my friend stand on the running board to keep an eye

Reminds me of the scene in ‘Home’ where all the aliens passwords are ‘Password’ and the main guy had changed his to some long, articulate passphrase and they can’t hack into his account lol.

That tattoo is probably closer to 5 grand if you average $100/hour. My right arm alone cost me just over $3k. Granted, I have large arms, but this guys isn't petite by any means either.

I disagree. But, you would need to define 'real job'. I have both arms sleeved and my 'real job' is a senior position for a company in the top 30 on the fortune 500.

Well, hopefully we will get to see her in the Crossfit Games this year, she's doing well in the Open. BUT, if you are a NASCAR fan, she is also the first woman to land a full time spot on the NASCAR Pit Crew. So hot.

^THIS. Couple that with the fact that if a grenade is landed within close enough proximity that you can jump on it, you are mostly dead either way. This isn't the movies. If you have never seen a grenade go off, it is an otherworldly 'concussive' explosion. You are screwed either way generally.

Thats why in MMA there is no 10 second standing count and you're good. For the sake of safety, if you are knocked out (unless its a flash knockout and you recover on your own) you are done. They don't want you getting knocked out, recover for 10 seconds, get your shit kicked in again, recover again, etc. Ever notice

My God this woman is a moron. I grew up in rural Iowa neighboring Red Oak. I went to school with kids from there, had several friends from there. I hate this woman for how she is turning something very common (plastic bags on our feet) into something meant to be a hardship or povery.

Or you know, you could just get them an actual entry level GoPro for a few bucks more? My girls LOVE playing around with my GoPro, and ask me all the time when I will buy them one of these.

Total jersey chasers.

Haha! I'm in the same boat except in the middle of Des Moines. 1/2 acre in the suburb with a 25 mile each way daily commute on I-35/I-80 to my cube. I don't exactly need one of these. But my '13 Screw will be paid off when these come out, so you can be damned sure I'm already thinking of excuses for my wife on why we n

Dude. Shia Labeouf has gone complete lumberjack. He's looking like he's getting pretty jacked.

Tennis balls aren't sturdy enough. Lacrosse balls are MUCH better!

A fellow wrestler in our district - Blu Wahle.

i unsubscribed from everything except for /r/gonewild ...

My Nitto's have saved my ass more times that I can count. ;-)

College Savings Iowa (Iowa based 529) is managed by Vanguard and is pretty consistently rated in the top plans. I have zero negative feelings toward's the plans for our kids managed by them.

QUESTION! I had never tried a vape until this weekend. I'm not a smoker, but my brother had a pen and had some killer coffee and vanilla oils. I'm looking at the V2, but my question is this - with the V2, if I want to upgrade to some hash oil from the regular nicotine oils, is that a capable pen for such endeavors?

Or go learn SAS and get into analytics and modeling. The highest paid developers I know and/or work with all develop in SAS.