
I cook with my cast iron almost daily, especially in the summer when grilling. Every time I grill I spray it down and pop it on the grill once I'm done. Since I have an egg, it sits at 350-400 for a good two or 3 hours. I couldn't be happier with it!

Is there a large pirate presence off Cape Horn (South America)? I know the Horn of Africa is suicide, but not sure about Chile.

My current locale has a 70mm IMAX in the science center downtown. Interestellar starts today in about an hour. Maybe I should take an extended lunch.....

Brian Cox's TED Talks are some of my favorite. The guy has a genuine passion for physics.

I am the exact same way! I grew up with that stuff on old BBS's, Ogrish, etc. This was back in the early 90's on Prodigy, I was probably between 10 and 12 when I first came across those sites. There was another one, really popular, but I just cannot remember what it was called! I'm totally numb to that stuff. :-(

Maybe I have some deep seeded issues stemming from some horrible repressed memory or just a very intense morbid curiousity, but this kind of stuff does not bother me one bit. I can't be the only one, right?

I have to admit, I'm addicted to my Lululemon kung fu pants. They are like sweats, only better!

Is it just me or does anyone else prefer the 5s form? I really like the hard angled edge, etc. A naked 5s is a beautiful phone. I'm not entirely sold on the aesthetics of the curved 6L.

I was the Audobon County Senior Advanced yoyo champion when I was in high school. Two things stuck out to me: 1. I'm not Asian. 2. I'm not NEARLY as good as these guys.

I would love to get a little scoot-a-bout like this for work (I drive a lot), but living in Des Moines, I would seriously despise one of these in winter. I'm certain they are just fine, but man, those first few weeks where people have forgotten how to drive in the sleet/snow are why I love my F-150. Plus, the 5.0L

My wife grew up coon hunting with Walkers. Big ass Walkers. Hearing those beautiful dogs treeing a raccoon is incredible. It's ear splitting if you are close. We would find claw marks 6 or 7 feet up the tree from the hound trying in vain to catch that damned coon.

$1800 for roughly 4000sq feet and half an acre. in the midwest suburbs. :-/

I lived in a trailer park in college. One of the things that is common to hear in the event of a tornado is to get in your vehicle. You are better off on the floor of the vehicle because of airbags, seat belts,etc, instead of inside the trailer.

BS meter is pegged to the max right now. I have a serious notion that this was done on a green screen. At 5:15-5:30 watch dude in the garage. It's fishy.

Not to mention copious amount of alcohol, nekkid people, and probably an STD or 7. I remember when RAGBRAI came through my hometown. It was an experience. I saw more ass on my way to high school on an 8 mile stretch of road than I did through my entire career in college.

Tell that to my wife. She spends $$$ at Lululemon like it grows on little bushes in our front yard ready for harvest at a moment's notice. She received two packages from them this week. And I received a Paypal notification last night for a third order. Its a f*n weekly occurrence. If you've ever been to that store,

Been there done that! The night before our senior class trip we went out drinking HARD prior to getting on the plane headed for D.C. I had a '77 baby blue Impala at the time. On our way to the high school to board the bus which would take us to the airport, my brother leans out the back window and unloads the most

Thanks for the tip!

Becker BK2. 1/4" thick sharpened pry bar basically. Read a forum post about a guy baton'd an old lawn mower in half to stress test it. It's awesome. My last adventure we baton'd a 6" diameter dead tree and split it for firewood solely with my Becker. Buying an ESEE-3 or RB3 for my backpack because the Becker is just