
Great article, but how about something more realistic? Two income household, kids, daycare, school loans, mortgage, two cars, etc. Salary ranges from 50k-250k.

see - you all just need to come to Iowa. -30 in the winter, 115 in the summer! :-)

While I see what you are saying regarding people being assholes about it, but really, 2" of snow does not warrant a plow. The issue is that southerners typically do not know how to drive in snow or snowy conditions. It takes several years of practice to get that skill down. You see it every year at the first snow

Didnt mythbusters bust this? A bullet fired straight up will slow down, stop, then fall to earth again, accelerating until it reaches a point where its weight equals the resistance of the air (terminal velocity). IIRC, the bullets don't have enough mass to be that dangerous. Painful, yes, but I dont think that they

When my cousin was much, much younger, some idiotic hunters decided it would be appropriate to shoot at a buck on the other side of a gravel road. The slug entered their car window, went through the headrest and came to a final stop in my young cousins puffy winter jacket. We found it at church a little later in the

This dude has the absolute best job on the planet. He wins the Internet, every day, just by waking from his glorious slumber.

That is beyond awesome.

The High Treslte Trail Bridge outside of Des Moines is awesome.

Thats awesome. I love seeing the wind farms as I drive down the interstate here in the midwest. Wind farms generate about 25% of my state's electrical needs.

Lindsey Sterling ftw!

so basically what this boils down to is actors arent making movies anymore, they are props for epic video games and/or animations.

i carry my Becker BK2 and duct tape. All a man needs really.

holy milk puppies....


but i dont wanna!!!

I hate how I have to download this through the Mac Store. I have a Macbook Air, therefore no Ethernet so I cant plug it in to my works FAT FREAKING pipe and download with reckless abandon.

bah, i've given up on the 'medical' definition of obese. I'm 32 years old, 6' tall and 217lbs. I have a 32 inch waist and according to my last scan, around 13% bodyfat. I can run a mile in 5:30 and since apparently the new "what can you bench?" is now "what is your Fran time?" I would consider myself in great shape

As much as possible basically.

"what is a realistic figure I should use for spending"