
I am buying a Nest thermostat for my new house. Its being built right now. we have geo-thermal in our current home, so a Nest was not practical (with geo you want to change the temp as little as possible to get the biggest benefit)...

I would really love to have these installed in our new house we are building, but at $129 a pop, that's going to be close to $1000 just on smoke detectors...

Time to terraform this biatch!

yeah baby! i'm a SAS developer, and the powers that be are not 100% satisfied with SAS's interaction with Win7, so WinXP for me!


he is SOOOOO going to finally get laid.

i loaded it on my 4s last week. so far, so good. its quite a bit faster than ios6, thats for sure.

Contraceptives?? But then how am I supposed to get my welfare check?? Who is going to feed and take care of my offspring damnit?! Who is going to pay for these kids????!??!

Now go watch Pi (1998) by Aronofsky.

i used to do this as a kid, at least until we almost melted a power line...

So now Tebow might get to play? Oh God.

COrrect, DTV is a no go. I saw some back and forth on Twitter between customers and @directv. Their response was that the update was just released, so they have no further information. In the mean time, however, they said you could airplay or use their 'totally awesome' OnDemand service. Yeeeeeah.

This doesn't work with DirecTV at the moment. Seriously? Get your shit together Direct!!

this is fantastic. Now this means I don't have to buy a new cable box for the bedroom just to watch HBO!

To build your 3,000 sqft, 2 level house, you would need:

i cant download ANY of these at work.. is blocked for 'nudity'. grr.

we keep it classy over here in the plains states with our padlocks, clinging to our guns and religion and such.. echoing what FleurdeLeah said above, kids don't know their own strength and will do near ANYTHING for instant gratification of a need/want. I would happily give my life or gleefully take someone else's for

damn, was really hoping for some AirDrop love on my 4s

we had to do this to keep our youngest in her room at night. when she was 2 she would crawl out of bed and walk around in the middle of the night. so i turned the locks around to prevent her from getting out and possibly getting hurt if we didn't hear her get up (or worse, if she were to open up the front door and

I have the Merkur HD and LOVE Feather blades. I also have had good success with the Gillete series 7 on Amazon. They just don't last as long, however. Maybe 3 shaves at most.