
Yeah, I can understand why that clip was popular, but even before the “great men” stuff towards the end, the fact that we start with believing that college students (you know, “the youths”) are so vacuous that one would get up and ask “why is America the greatest country on earth” and evidently be completely surprised

Not funny per se, but I always liked “If you’re dumb person, surround yourself with smart people. If you’re a smart person, surround yourself with smart people who disagree you!”.

I just find it frustrating as fuck that “open the economy” vs “save lives” has become a completely politicized false dichotomy. The fact is that if the economy collapses in a way that takes a decade to get out of that’s going to cost a lot of lives, and if we can’t get a handle on testing, tracing, and containing the

I probably shouldn’t engage, but: the *song* is questioning whether the aforementioned banner “yet waves o’er” the land of the free/home of the brave. Tt is certainly not questioning the assumption whether the United States is, in fact, the land/home free/brave. By pulling it out of context and adding/leaving the

How do you know one of them is not Elijah Wood?

I’m not sure where you live, but I live in the SF Bay Area, and the wealthy are definitely not CostCo clientele (they go to Whole Foods and Draegers (a local upscale market)). You may well be right that you can “beat” CostCo by aggressively monitoring sales at Safeway/Lucky/etc, but that seems like a *lot* more effort

Criticizing the show, fine, great. There’s plenty there to criticize (for any show). Dismissing people who like it with sneering contempt as “the straights” is rude and contributes nothing. 

I mean, they both have a bit of cult of personality thing going on which they both use to their own ends. Now that doesn’t make them equivalent – Trump’s “ends” are narcissistic self enrichment, and Bernie’s “ends”, as far as I can tell, are a sincere belief in a progressive vision for the country.

I mean, it’s dropped pretty far. It was up around $4 not too long ago and now I think the station near my house (Mountain View) is something like $2.80. Of course I bought a new car in early march and it still has 3/4 of a tank of gas in it, so not like I’m really checking that closely...

Sure. Vote for Bernie. I voted for Warren. I’d certainly have preferred either of them to Biden, but that ship has 99% sailed. But just saying “fuck doing anything” because we can’t fix everything right now isn’t an approach I can get behind (I mean, there’s a realpolitik case for it, but I personally can’t be that

And because we can’t have those we should do nothing and just whine about other people’s attempts to do *something*? 

What are you talking about? The probably much less well organized and produced comic relief marathon (or whatever they called it) raised half a million dollars for people who need it. This will probably raise a lot more. I don’t know why this at all relates to your disappointment at the presumptive democratic nominee

Well, I agree vis a vis Dolores prime (Evan Rachel Wood), but I do think there’s something interesting in Dolores trying to “inhabit” other personalities, as we saw with “Hale”s breakdown. I expect that’s why we have Caleb - so we aren’t just watching a robot go on a murder spree, but we have a human having human

See my question is why didn’t Maeve just freeze Dolores when she realized she was a host. Did Dolores make herself immune to Maeve’s powers (or was that established last season and I forgot?).

I think the point was the fact that you feel obligated to voice this take in a forum that is obviously populated by people who enjoy this show says more about you. If you think the show is awful, why are you watching it? Why do you feel the need to performatively demonstrate how you are not a “straight” and you feel

Right I don’t thing OP meant it was the same sort of event, just the “woah suddenly everything is different”-ness.

Lol wow. No. Whatever you think of Biden’s mental competence, when you elect a president you’re really electing a team. And Biden’s team fundamentally believes in appointing qualified, experienced people into positions of power, not just people who will remain blindly loyal no matter what. I don’t know what kind of

I pretty strongly disagree with the assertion that Trump is “coherent”. It’s just that the majority of his party doesn’t really seem to care...

Being super qualified (which she certainly was) isn’t the same thing as being a good candidate. Admittedly, many of the reasons she wasn’t a good candidate were partly or entirely out of her control: being subject to 20 years of GOP campaigning against her and Bill Clinton, being the target of an absurd congressional

I dunno, I can imagine a lot.