
Not quite the same, but when i saw Gremlins 2 (with 3 other people in the theatre, exactly 1 of whom wasn’t there with me). The film broke right at the beginning of the movie leading to a 10 minute delay (and free popcorn for all 4 of us!). One could not have asked for a more perfect setup for the “gremlins are in the

Oh man you just had that one locked and loaded didn’t you.

Obviously and of course it is good that victims who have traditionally been ignored are getting more attention now (not to say that particular problem is “fixed”, but it’s certainly more visible, which is great).

Do you think bank robbers are unaware that robbing banks will lead to getting shot and going to jail? Sounds like that’s not too effective either.

I mean, yes? Obviously a person who would do those things needs help? That is not separate from needing consequences.

We hath the meats.

Heavens to Betsy!

To say nothing of Jack Black.

I know this is a sideline to this horrific story, but this was weird:

Ah right, spaced that. That would be a story if Cal hired someone away from LSU :P

Lol snap. I was pretty checked out of cal football by that point, but a bunch of friends were regulars (we were all in the marching band), so I heard at length how eye-rolling the pigskins and pearls thing was but my knowledge of Cal was limited to occasionally catching part of a game at a party and saying “yeah,

Yeah, that’s kind of what I mean by feeling like he’s a qualified expert in a bunch of shit he knows little or nothing about because he is smart and an expert in another field (linguistics).

The Language Instinct is the only one I read cover to cover. I’m not going to defend everything he’s done by any means, that book had more intellectual rigor and research than anything I’ve seen from Gladwell.

In his most memorable game against the producer of LA Law and Hill Street Blues and his dogs, he famously choked away an easy win.

I’m not terribly surprised. I went to Cal, and Cal football used to do (maybe still does? not sure) a “women’s football huddle” where alumna could come, hang out with the some players and coaches, and do some low-contact drills (hit some tackling sleds, jog/run some routes, etc.). A lot of my female friends did it and

Because he can write entertaining and smart-sounding pop psychology books. I mean, that is a skill, but it’s not something that means he should be a self-appointed Paterno defender. 

To be fair that sounds more like an indictment of McQueary.

Ehhh...Pinker has a lot more research and intellectual rigor behind his stuff than Gladwell does. He does fall into the common academic trap of “I know a lot about X, and I’m at least as smart as people who do Y, so Y must be pretty simple”.

That’s not actually quite true. FTC regulations stipulate (per a 1970 court decision involving marbles in Campell’s soup) that the actual food you are advertising needs to be real (though the stuff around it can be whatever - so I think the “glue in milk” thing actually skirts it since the cereal is being sold not the

You think someone would *literally* ruin their life - like she’s going to be getting doxed, have every potential employer find this on their cursory google search, every social media account she has is going to be permanently useless due to being flooded with hate mail – for *maybe* getting some kind of payday?