
Or maybe you’re just a dick? Seriously, if you don’t find movies scary, sure, whatever. It’s not a fucking character flaw in other people.

I knew perfectly well it was fake and it still scared the shit out of me (I guess I would have been 25 at the time). I mean, The Ring scared the shit out of me too, and nobody ever thought that was real...

/me credits himself with an assist.

Also “berk”. Has Ray Ratto been hollowed out and is now being piloted by a 1970s era working class Brit?

I mean, isn’t that, like, all of them? Or if not a mashup, then an exaggeration (e.g. Yeti) or misunderstanding of fossils (Dragon)? To be fair I don’t know what a Uchchaihshravas is (ah, it’s a mashup of 7 horses).

But sadly not the rating of “mythical creatures who would fuck you”. #ConsentMatters

+1 Unnecessary Disney Reboot

I always thought the original Lion King had seriously diminishing returns. The opening number was visually and musically fantastic, and while I Just Can’t Wait to Be King is not my favorite piece of music, it effectively establishes the Simba as ambitious but pampered and ignorant, and the following introduction of

Sure, but it does seem like you end up in a film minor because you have at least some kind of interest in film, and it’s hard to imagine being ignorant of Star Wars in that context (though I guess maybe more so in a pre-internet era). But yeah, I wouldn’t really lay this at the feet of the film program. I took film

Hard to say...

A lady I work with thought Spaceballs *was* Star Wars. Like, for real. She didn’t know there was an actual, non-comedy/spoof of it. She was well into her 30s before she realized Barf, Dot, Yogurt and the rest were a parody of another film series known collectively as Star Wars.

But Tyrese is the everlasting sky. Your Rock....lies underneath him.

What point are you trying to make here? We shouldn’t look back at films and think about them? You’re acting like people are advocating that American Pie be purged from filmdom at that the producers, writers, and stars be forever blacklisted. People are just, pretty reasonably, saying that “boy, the fact that there’s a

attacking you for correctly critiquing the very incorrect opinions the writer of this article

I mean, I think the point is that announcing a female-led sci fi movie *still* gets a lot of trolling and shitposting (and I suspect that since Miller has to deal with studio execs he *still* gets pushback about the idea *despite* the many examples of female-led sci-fi movies). So yes, this should be a non-issue, but

A friend of mine wrote his PhD archeology paper on whether a certain set of artifacts found in Peru (I think) were from the Wari people. Subtitle was “What, me Wari?”


I’m 45 and I didn’t know, and each time I feel young could well be the last time, so...thanks! 

Hmm, actually nobody is saying that. They are merely pointing out your legal knowledge is faulty. I haven’t seen anyone disagreeing with your implied moral judgement of a 28 year old having intimate relations with a 16 year old.

The fuck? At what point did it sound like I was in any way defending Trump? I can hate Trump *and* the bizarre deification of John McCain both at the same time.