
It’s “Berkeley”, not “Berkley”.

I mean, yes, but on the other hand, I would have expected them to circle the wagons around this guy, so baby steps I guess?

Wait, what? If a 4 year old throws a tantrum the response is to call CPS? That seems...insane (source: I have a 4 year old).

That is absurdly reductionist. First of all, why are you imposing a magic rule that nothing that “society” imposes is “real”?

“I think the issue is Good and Evil does not exist, those are man made perceptions.”

Wait, are you secretly my wife, because you just described the relationship between her, me, and alcohol perfectly.

“I don’t believe in the “punching up/down” justification.”

Your point is reasonable, but it is also *possible* that if it is bad it’s because Snyder and other murderverse evangelists screwed it up despite Patty Jenkins’ best efforts. I mean, we won’t really know, but just tying the weight around her neck no matter what isn’t really any better than absolving her of all blame

Can you not read or are you just dumb? At no point did he suggest that this asshat shouldn’t be charged with a crime, even a fairly serious one. “Grand Theft” just seemed like an odd choice (if you didn’t know Florida law specified it), given that “Grand Theft” (as opposed to “Petty Theft”) is usually tied to a

“I’m not sure why my answer has been construed by two separate individuals to mean I don’t understand the *importance* of traffic signs.”

What bothers me is that her face looks like a plastic mask or she looks drawn (as opposed to photographs). Whatever it is, I’m getting serious uncanny valley from her that I’m not from the other people in the photo.

That would actually be an improvement...

Well yes, but the decision could have been made then and just never reconsidered.

Medusa looks literally like a CGI person pasted into the shot. Like I’m getting an uncanny valley thing when I look at that. I’m not sure if there’s a digital effect on her face (perhaps tied to her CGI hair) or what, but it’s not a good look. I keep thinking Fiona from Shrek for some reason.

The solutions are fucking difficult: people in the rust belt need to accept (in numbers) that a massive retraining of job skills for their children is the only way things are getting better. But it would help if the messaging from the non-Sanders wing wasn’t “everything is great, but it’s only going to get better”

I’d even say that it’s economic anxiety exploited by people to focus that fear and anger at convenient scapegoats that they can rail against. There aren’t easy solutions for the problems rust-belters have (declining quality of life and life expectancy, massive prescription opioid epidemic), and the hard solutions

It is by vast leaps and bounds the best collaboration tool I have used for simple projects. Everyone I know who uses it is driven crazy by people who don’t.

The thing that I like about Hamill is that he was a huge sci-fi/comic book fan *before* being in Star Wars.

Yeah, of all the guys who could have been Mark Hamill, I’m glad it was Mark Hamill.