
This TP 2.0 idea would work as a non-canonical novel for sure.

Not to mention Bobby, who had already undergone a redemption before the show even started getting closure that his father died doing important work that may have saved countless lives/helped defeat evil and whatnot. The horrifying thing about Twin Peaks isn’t that bad things happen it’s that they often happen to good

I think Laura’s death and the Black Lodge represent all the evil mankind does. That’s why the nuclear-explosion-as-entryway-for-evil worked so well in episode 8.

But didn’t we still get some of that love/joy/redemption? Big Ed, Norma, and Nadine’s resolution, Freddie finding his destiny, the Mitchum brothers finding their heart, the Jones’ reunited (with a hopefully better Dougie). There was some light with the darkness.

Oh yeah, definitely. I do enjoy that about Lynch’s work: the wacky sweetness without being saccharine and a really beautiful perspective of simple, pure love, be it like Ed and Norma’s or coffee. The underside of that is the always-already presence of the horrific/uncanny, like an overripe fruit. I’ve been thinking a

While I’ve already seen most every episode twice and I’m in the beginning of a rewatch marathon, it just occurred to me that Mr. C doesn’t know who Judy/Jaio Dai is?

Counterpoint: Yeah but I want more.

Lost has an incredibly fulfilling finale, THANK YOU VERY MUCH—I mean, on a character level, at least.

I partially disagree - whilst horror has always been a large part of Twin Peaks it was many, many other things as well, and celebrated love and joy and taking pleasure in the simplest things. Redemption was also a big element, so I was kind of hoping for a happier ending. Or at least not one quite as bleak as we got.
