
Nothing says "rich asshole" like condo association in-fighting.

Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow — it's the first one!

It's those damn culottes you made him wear when he was five!

I knew it wasn't Berkowitz!

Maybe it's not the entire force, maybe it's just the honor guard.

Ugh, this sounds like "Fan Service: The Movie."

I definitely laughed more than I expected.

BEATS by Data:

A motherfucking shark (almost) ate him!

I've definitely been useing "MacGuyver" for a long time.

They have the internet on computers now.

I also like to randomly say, "Yee haw, Jester's dead!"

What's with that t-shirt? Is that Barack Obama as Keanu Reeves' Neo?

I always quite Tom Skerrit from Top Gun: "Gentlemen, you are the top one percent of all naval aviators: the elite."

I thought it was to make fun of Clarice's accent.

If someone combined the horror elements and the police procedural elements into one film, it'd be one of the best films ever.

It's super cool. One of Michael Mann's best, and while there's very much a Miami Vice aesthetic, there's a darkness to it, specifically centered around William Peterson, that was very uncommon for the time.

Where are the hoverboards or flying Deloreans?