
Hail, Caesar is set for a Feb. 2016 release, and offers the usual Coen depth:

*audience screams, hoops, and hollas*

"the world-weary private eye unraveling a complicated plot that winds through every social strata of a Southern California town."

Undercover of the Night is fucking awesome.

Paul McCartney was on Wings?!?

Yeah, there's something very coy and British about it. "It's a little rubbish, but we're all a little rubbish, even at our best…"

It offers an interesting editorial mix of politics, current affairs, entertainment, and sports.

He also break dance fought Hansel in Zoolander. He might be the coolest person in the world.

Wholesale slaughter, but they couldn't bring themselves to kill off the slow witted fat guy.

AND he gets to bang Jennifer Aniston.

What's my favorite Zeppelin song? Whichever one I last heard; that's my newest favorite.

wtf is jesse camp lolz

Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Coens. Road House.

I paid off some back property taxes.

I think the final five minutes should be mandatory viewing for every high school freshman male.

Have you heard the rumor that he died in a car accident in 1966?

The entire Abu Dubai scene was a lot fun; too bad it was much shorter than the mountain chase.

The entire Abu Dubai scene was a lot fun; too bad it was much shorter than the mountain chase.

The entire Abu Dubai scene was a lot fun; too bad it was much shorter than the mountain chase.

The entire Abu Dubai scene was a lot fun; too bad it was much shorter than the mountain chase.