
Okay: Marty shows up after Doc is shot, he sits up, they discuss the kevlar vest and the torn up letter. It's very awkward in ways you might not notice on a first watch.

It gets better, and it gets darker.

There's definitely some weird scenes where characters aren't on screen together, and only one has dialogue, and they look like they're spliced together from entirely separate films.

Maybe Marty stole Flea's Van Halen mixtape, and that's the source of their animosity.

Or even revolving stories about hot redheads: Amy Adams, Rose Leslie, Isla Fisher…

He's a late 30-something and not morbidly obese.

My dad makes my listen to all the good bands like LiMp BizKiT and MuDvAyNe and Three Doors DoWn!!!!!!!!!!!

Boys will be boys. "Hey, remember that time you fingered my wife without her consent? High five!"

You ever play roulette? Well, let me give you some advice.

I never would have watched if I knew the details, either, but I'm glad I did.

It was worth it for that sunset.

I know, right? What show have they been watching for five seasons?

If you can do the Bartman, you're bad like Michael Jackson.

He'd be perfect for a Will Arnett in Hot Rod type role.

I'm calling… about the security… of your shit.

It's our sense of humor that's sustained us as a people for the past three thousand years.

I forgot about those.

And when you go back and watch his dramatic roles, it's like he's not playing drama in the first place. He's always been secretly hilarious.

Battlefield Earth; he was one of the few bright spots.