C'est Bruni

Everyone who isn't American is going to pronounce this as Galak-Zed.

Can you reserve this kind of asshole comment for a non-justified complaint, preferably one where the comparison is at all accurate?

i was mostly just playing devils advocate, i find this an incredibly complex and interesting issue, i've actually been in the position i mentioned (albeit to a very minor degree) and it's one of those things that we don't usually talk about in polite society so this seemed like a good opportunity to see what the op

Well consensual mutilation and cutting fall under what is known as edgeplay, it's more on the fringes of BDSM. It's inherently dangerous and that's why it's fun. I have scars and have given scars with a very sharp knife in bed. I find nothing wrong with it morally, it's consensual and everyone leaves smiling and a bit

Well one of our reporters wrote on the site that Telltale promises it will be less buggy, so hopefully they stick to that.

You should write a Kinja post expanding your thoughts on this, I'm curious!

sunbros: That water seems far too cold. I think I'll just go over to this sunny place over here...

The dark souls players took 10 minutes to remove each paper clip, carefully checking the container of water for traps, other paperclips that might attack them, and ledges they could roll off of each time before reaching in.

Some people don't like things that other people like?

The plot was God and a woman's ass get into a fight and the ass wins.

Because nuanced, balanced coverage of a game and it's place within the gaming ecosystem is "hipster." OK.

While certainly not in quality, this re-imagining almost feels fat megaman-esque to me.

Because maybe, just maybe, the hype has worn off and people finally got through all the content and see what it really is, instead of all our preconceptions based on trailers? I mean we do need a few weeks to really get through a game, and wait for the patches...

The wildly destructive flailing is really a thing of beauty.

Collar Duty

Activision's response?

You have behaved stupidly and you should feel stupid. That does not mean you can't learn from this experience, however.

*slow clap*

Hope this helps.