C'est Bruni

All this Bay hate is kind of disgusting. He's a human being that was attacked. So what if you don't like his movies, don't pay to see them and let it be.

Seems like they couldn't keep their anger... at bay.

Had a similar issue with my current fiance. She had major depression issues a few years ago, and pretty much what got her through was to always have something to look forward to. A new game, a movie, a trip, an event.... There is always something, even if its not all that great, you pick something a year out, and

I am so, so happy. Always have been and, I believe, always will. I've not had a paricularly blessed life, nor have I had it very rough, but I definitely go through the traditional motions of a typical American young adult; graduating college, working 8+ hours a day, repeating the same routine with the normal work and

Force: "make (someone) do something against their will.", "achieve or bring about (something) by coercion or effort."

These aren't fake displays of emotion, they're genuine. They're also coupled with the depressing knowledge that there's nothing we can do about it. I'll bet 90%+ of core gamers would happily pay another $100 for their consoles, and $10+ per game if they knew it was all funnelled back into the labourer's. But even if

Force usually implies, you know, actual force.

Students were threatened with being failed last time this happened. "Do the labour, or we fail you. Regardless of your actual educational success." Given how important education is, that's definitely force.

Coerced then, happy?

>Chinese news reports state that the program was mandatory, and if they students did not participate, they would not receive their diploma.

Sounding rather bitter there.

So... you reward them by showing their videos on a website populated by many many people? I know your intentions are pure but, this just netted them a bunch more views....

Or the trolls can stop being assholes and let the kids play in peace.

Last weeks shop contest had surprisingly abusable results.

That's actually one of the enemies in Half-Life 3.

People who have horrible views of other human beings based solely on their sexual orientation or where they were born should be judged.