C'est Bruni

dragon mutants

Now imagine a game featuring dragon mechs in a wasteland.

No, that is a guidebook.

Uh, no.

Ohhh, YES YES YES!!!

Oh god, please no

Haha, LIGHT spoilers. I get it.

Er, she was a journalist at an official XBox presentation, and the comedian hired by Microsoft insulted her several times. How is that comparable?

You sound like someone who's deeply internalized his victim story so well that it no longer sounds like a victim story to him. To me it sounds like a bunch of bottled-up resentment dating back years. Maybe you should get over it and stop bringing it up to people who don't give a shit about your personal life.

No, we'd mostly just like you to not defend the comedian for his behavior. I don't really care if you are not personally offended by what happened, but don't you dare try and make excuses for this.

Unfortunately, Kotaku, you've just called down an orbital strike on Laura Kate Dale.

True to Gawker fashion, to the end.

I'm a big fan of the current trend of victim shifting. Forget the mistreated transgendered individual, will someone please think of the intolerant people?!

Let me guess, you're the real victim of discrimination?

Man us gamers sure are a welcoming and friendly crowd right? I totally can't ever see a reason why women or homosexuals or transgendered are ever in fear of being an open part of this community...

Stop hijacking the thread. This is about all of society being crass and rude towards transgendered people. Not just gamers. And this isn't about women.

This is about something immensely more important than Microsoft and the Xbox One. Let's not be petty.

And this happened at Eurogamer Expo, which has been going on for the past few days. That's not the same thing as Gamescom.

Actually, she is not "female". She is a woman though.

to everyone saying "he's a comedian, it's just a joke". It's not just a joke when the mentality supporting the joke gets people regularly physically assaulted, killed, not to mention the emotional terror that leads to so many committing suicide.

he apparently said "it" and "thing". It was no mistake. You don't call any human being "it", not even by mistake