C'est Bruni

Love these! (`_´)ゞ

You mean Gyro Man?

Completely dissimilar. Such award shows exist in a historical context; namely, those minorities have all been and continue to be marginalized. Systemic oppression calls for a focus on them, so a white parallel would lack the historical context calling for such an award show; keep in mind most Oscar and Grammy winners

No, it is not "equally racist", whatever that means.

Whiteskins is barely offensive. It's like being called a 'cracker', it carries no weight and is kind've funny at its worst.
This is why it's so hard to explain racial sensitivity to white people who aren't open to the idea, there are no direct analogies to draw that are adequate; ie. I'm not offended by the

What do LGBT people have to do with the issue that, to many, one of the founders of PAX was seen to make light of rape and patronise victims of it?

He still brought it up. There was no need to bring it up, none whatsoever. Especially to say pulling the merch was a grand mistake (making the merch was a grand mistake)

I read the comic, and I've even defended the comic here on this site (in this very thread!). I think the original comic was pretty harmless.

I didn't say Penny Arcade created rape, I just said they'd celebrated it with a T-shirt.

Why yes, if you wear a shirt featuring a character created for no purpose other than to rape, then you're celebrating rape. Have fun! When it gets dirty, be sure to switch to your Ariel Castro shirt.

Being criticized occasionally in the comments section of a gaming blog != "destroyed." Last I heard they're still swimming in money.

Dude it came back up because and I quote from the linked article:

He was asked about regrets. He brought up the Dickwolves thing. Nobody else brought it up. HE did. HE is the one who couldn't let it fucking go. The fact that HE still holds onto some bitterness or discontent with that situation tells me that the problem is HIS, not that of gaming journalists.

"___ just fucked us."

If You're Color-Blind, Pay Attention To The Size of Your Map's Icons

Quite a bit shorter, actually. I gues Adam didn't give her permission to height-up.

Agreed. But also disagreed. I agree because you are right, without opinions it would be pretty much a fact sheet.

I'm concerned you don't know what the words "review" or "opinion" mean.

How does one do a review of something without an opinion? Is there some sort of objective standard for video games out there?