C'est Bruni

I recommended this incomprehensible mess of a comment because its incoherence made me laugh.

I like Kotaku's review style. People actually have to read it instead of just looking at the score.

You're right. The government *shouldn't* determine the age at which you are capable of full information processing. That's the job of science, which has determined that 20-25 is the average age range of the brain's full development. So.... yeah. You sort of lose that particular argument.

"It's almost like you're suggesting Triumph of the Will caused the holocaust?"

I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting.

'"I'm not offering anecdotal evidence in place of sources, because I'm giving a reasoned argument"

I agree, the real news here is what happened to Criterion. I'm not a racing games fan, but when I read that Criterion was down to 17 people I felt sad. The burnout series was so good and such a breath of fresh air in the racing genre. EA killed those poor guys :/

Forget about the movie, what's going to happen to Criterion?

Internet on this response: "please write that I cried."

Define: "entire game." If you want me to 100% it, that ain't happening. If you want me to play to the end of the story, to screw around a lot and to do lots of sidequests, of course.

"Please play 100 hours of a game between now and Monday.... GO!"

Please, stop being afraid of the word "feminist." Feminism is NOT a bad word. It doesn't mean that you want women to be superior. Or that you hate men. It means that you believe that women deserve to be treated fairly and equally in society. It means that you believe in dignity regardless of gender.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem



I still feel like it lost a lot of the flat, cartoon look I really dug.

I can't stress this post enough on how accurate it is.

Being a male, and someone who hung out with both the "bros" and the "nerds", there really is no difference when you start to peel back a lot of the layers.

You've got your set of nice guys, and others who turn chauvinism to 11. In aspects, I'd argue that it's even

While I don't disagree, I'm just amused that one of the more salient posts about sexism is made by someone named Nightshift Nurse.

A drunk person, making unsolicited, unwanted comments about your appearance while blocking your only means of an exit, coupled with the fact that 1 in 4 women in the united states is sexually assaulted before they even graduate college, means that this is an uncomfortable situation at the best, and she needs to think

You know, not everybody like onions. What about cake? Everybody loves cake!