C'est Bruni

"In short, you can't win this debate with theology, bible or intellect. Your only argument is disgust, revulsion and inducing the gag reflex."

No reaction eh?

Ooo can I join the stupid which-action-rpg-is-best-war?

Now playing

Well, Rayman Origins ended up looking like this:

Yeah... Team Meat = McMillen + Refenes.
The Binding of Isaac Team = McMillen + Florian Himsl.
McMillen and Himsl have worked together previously on flash games like The C Word and Coil.

Here's the original.

Wow, way to rip a couple sections off of a classic video, put your shitty watermark on it, and pass it off as your own. I'm mad.

It does look like a heavy influence.
Especially here


Nice self-illustrating argument!

While the comparison to literally selling poison for people to use on themselves is a bit dramatic, it really does illustrate the stupidity of refusing responsibility with the mantra of "just doing my job" or "that's how capitalism works."

Well his last project was Dragon Age Legends, so it's pretty clear he has no idea what he's doing.

I like how incredibly uncreative everything about the Kickstarter game is, even its name is like somebody just looked at Advance Wars, flipped through a thesaurus, and said, "That's it, that's the one. Perfect."

You see, game development is a business and businesses in a capitalist society are ruled by market forces. I wish I was one of the privileged few who are able to self-finance their dream game for years on end with no concern for sales or profits. But I’m not.

The only thing that can stop an 8 year old with a gun!

Sorry to ask, but could you explain why you like the gamecube controller so much? The triggers are nice and the big ol' A button is a pretty cool design choice but everything else just seems... wrong.. especially the analog sticks and the d-pad. The left stick actually has 360 degrees of motion available but the

I imagine the disconnect is that other countries are more concerned with appearances. We've become accustomed to seeing sparkling white, perfectly straight teeth as the image of health.

Fun Fact: Brits have the best dental hygiene in the world.