C'est Bruni

I was promised pink samurai András.

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hahahahaha "article"
hahahahaha "what right did she have"
"Obviously it also has absolutely nothing to do with geek culture or gaming, but that's a given with Patricia articles. This shouldn't have been published."

OH NO ARE YOU PUBLICLY SHAMING SOMEONE!?!? Call the moderators! This comment shouldn't have been posted!

You think Ben Affleck and Val Kilmer are worse than George Clooney? Well you learn a new opinion everyday I guess.

You gotta love Anansi: trickster god loki-style... steals knowledge from god prometheus-style... is a fucking spider etc.

Maybe it's not a good idea to affirm someone's assertion that an entire country of game developers is terrible on a thread which is supposed to be about positivity.

Dear Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes,
Super Meat Boy was one of my favorite games ever! Binding of Isaac was great and I'm looking forward to Mew-Genics and Meat Boy iOS!
I love how you incorporate your struggles with depression and anxiety into your games. AAA Video Games have become so corporate and focus-grouped

Sadly, I think that was intentional. Note the ad.

Actually, I think Anno would be much better suited to that project. It's got a lot of his favorite tropes: self-loathing, nonsensical theology, surreal apocalypse, and a sprinkle of misanthropy.

Also Billy Bob Thornton as Jigo was maybe the worst dubbing decision the Disney-Ghibli localizers have ever made.

Yeah... I have no idea why you'd call Evangelion self-congratulatory. It's the possibly the most self-loathing anime I've ever seen. The ending scene where everyone literally congratulates Shinji is so ironic and unconvincing it hurts. You're sort of right about everything else. Although not quite as overtly, Nausicaa

But but but! Superjail is good!?

Terry Crews could save any movie

I think Silver Linings Playbook is a great example of a work that handles mental illness really well. Iron Man 3, on the other hand, used PTSD as a punchline and plot device.

I think anime and Japanese media in general tend to deal with depression and other mental illness much more than American media. Maybe it's

The ironic thing is that her most unlike-able characteristics are her schadenfreude, her lack of empathy, and her tendency towards victim-blaming which link her to the viewer. It's a neat trick.

Yeah I was wondering how Richard felt about NHK. It has such great black comedy but also really succeeds at making you empathize with the characters and shows amazing compassion. The author still struggles with social anxiety today.

"I like you! I love you! Please don't die!
"That's not just dramatic! It's fucking

Wait wait wait. KH3 is a PS4 exclusive?

oh my god

and all the let's plays...

It's a wonderful little Famicom game, pretty buggy and not as beautiful as Earthbound or Mother 3 but a wonderful game in it's own right. It's got most of the hallmarks, even if they're a bit rough: Itoi's amazing sense of humor, an awesome beatles-inspired soundtrack, and the bravery to explore incredibly daunting

Whew, I thought it was just me! It gave me a headache. Good thing the game looked bad enough so that when I quit at three minutes I didn't feel like I was missing much.