C'est Bruni

Seems like a pretty big fucking deal.

No mention of Snatcher or Zone of the Enders? Oh well.

Yeah, first year lit students are often taught "every meal is a communion" for this very reason.

I think you mean the computer engineering school.

Ok I'll go cry myself to sleep.

That's how he wrote it :(.

It really seemed like he meant it. Normally people who say that have visible anger or a bit of an annoyed smile on their face. He just said it with a blank, kind of creepy expression on his face. It's clear he has anger issues from his numerous internet interactions (hehe).

So do take things literally if context

I read this and I liked it

a tale of two fish:

You write extremely well! I wish I had some way to promote this comment higher on the page! Oh wait that's how the weird Kotaku comment system works.

Then he even threatened to kill his ex-partner! He really should seek psychiatric help.

Edmund McMillen really came off well in that movie. He seemed really compassionate and helped Tommy through the rougher parts of the process. My favorite part of the movie was Ed and his girlfriend and Tommy watching people play

Man, this joke was already old and stale when Destroy All Humans based like half its mechanics on it.

Looks more like Zombies Ate My Coworkers

Westerners say the same stupid stuff too because everyone tends to lump things into categories based on their nation of origin. E.g. "Have you seen The Host? It's kind of like Oldboy. " Thank you IMDB recommendations.

No mention of the 1941 Mizoguchi adaptation? For shame Ashcraft, for shame!

Now playing

One Grasshopper makes games for drunk people. One Grasshopper is drunk people who make games.

Now playing

One Grasshopper creates games for drunk people. One Grasshopper is drunk people who create games.

I am so ready.

Yep, we have tons of Neo-confederates and slavery apologists in the U.S. who get elected even today. For example, David Duke, an ex-Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan ran in the Presidential primaries in 1988 and 1992 and was actually elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 1992.

A man who believes that one