
Such bullshit. It’s ENTIRELY one person’s fault. The degree of delusion this clown generates boggles the mind yet everyone keeps playing along like this is a “political” issue and not a plain old extortion attempt, which it obviously is. Russia may have rigged the election and installed this goober as president but he

Some took a political stance, blaming either President Donald Trump or congressional Democrats for the shutdown which is grinding the federal government to a halt

They know what they’re doing is morally repellent and will be rejected by large parts of society and could very well get them in trouble, yet they do it anyway.

Six months from now NEWGAWKER will announce its latest hire: executive editor and community manager Tomatoface. The bastard will have finally done it.

No way is Carson in her 30s. She looks like a RHOOC castoff.

Carson’s tweets read like a parody account of a bourgeoisie scumbag.

If the choices before you are “monster” and “not monster”, it doesn’t matter if you feel fucking inspired by the not-monster, you do what it takes to make sure the monster doesn’t win.

I appreciate Tim’s call out of War on Drugs. I found them this year and bought a couple CDs (yup!) for a road trip up to the awesome driving roads in TN, GA, and NC in my new car. It was just perfect. I, too, am old.

If law enforcement in L.A. said “we’re searching for someone in a Prius with a “Fuck Trump” bumper sticker,” everyone would be sitting on curbs! They’d have 20,000 drivers just between Santa Monica and Brentwood [adjacent coastal communities].

The vast majority of sexual harassment/sexual assault cases are, in actuality, never reported.

same. I spend an inordinate amount of time walking around the outside of my house asking no one in particular “is that rot?”

My house has a wooden exterior.


Too fucking right on the plumbing. We had to replace our terra cotta sewer pipe (root grew right through) and had to get a tree cut down to get to it. And to get to the tree properly, part of our fence had to come down.

I for one welcome our new mole... uh, underlords.

This whole thing is like the drunken uncles of America are lurching around representing all the rest of the family.

My husband and I have been playing versions of Would You Rather since the election. Up til the inauguration Giant Meteor won over Random Data Scientist Declares Major Voting Error, after that we concluded Giant Meteor, Side of Selective Plague was preferable to reality. Recently we’ve been hoping for invasions. I’m

If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.

His Wikipedia has already been edited. Beautifully.