
Wait... we’re really wondering why someone who was sentenced to 5 years for stealing $120 would be afraid of standing trial for armed robbery?

Bullshit. People plea to shit they didn’t do all the time in order not to get convicted of something else they didn’t do.

That and he’s the evil Vanessa doll from Penny Dreadful come to life.

OT: So, for the handful or so of progressives left who need to be disabused of the narrative that Jared and Ivanka are some kind of sane, moderating force on Donald’s White House...

A cumstain whose entire net worth is invested in a vineyard with Russian ties.

I actually forgot about Devin Nunes and it was only a month ago. This administration is exhausting.

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

im sorry, your sentence was too long.

what you meant to say was “assholes. they were assholes.”

That’s true, but also ignores that fact that along with eliminating the 7 famous herbs and spices that politicians used, he’s also increased the weekly feedings to a 5-meals-a-day plan.

Trump’s biggest gift to our country is the efficiency with which he has laid bare how much of our politics are about eating shit. People that “respect our institutions” and keep voting for rich assholes to represent them have been eating well-seasoned shit their entire lives. Trump took away all your spices.

I hate the fact that I have been reduced to appealing to the morality and conscience of Republican congressmen

A lot of very stupid people will continue to eat shit in the name of partisan politics or their own embarrassment at being told repeatedly who and what Donald Trump was and completely and totally ignoring that and voting for him anyway.

It didn’t after the Civil War, though, although sharecropping, convict labor, and the Black Codes were basically 85% of the way to slavery when you get down to it.

Smart people are smart enough to know when they’re in over their head and should remain quiet.

Is it possible that Ted Cruz is not a great constitutional scholar or master debater...?

Boy, first we find out Paul Ryan isn’t a policy expert and now this. My faith in the party of Lincoln is starting to waver, guys...

Anyone who thinks that the Southern states seceded for any reason but their belief that the North intended to end slavery—not merely stop its expansion, but end it outright—should read the articles of secession adopted by every single one of the Confederate States.

It means “I publicly self-identify as an idiot”.

They’re the same people that think that mainstream historians and educators are twisting the history though. Consider: they literally don’t believe that the Civil War was a war fought over slavery. So to them — as messed up as this mindset is — they don’t think they’re obscuring or erasing, but rather, shining the

I think a good compromise is to topple them. They can still stay as a historical artifact but are more accurate and less glorified

It’s odd that people who “just want to preserve their heritage” are so determined to obscure and erase the nasty parts of that heritage. Let’s absolutely not try to “destroy our history”, but let’s not celebrate the villains.