I’d add that anyone who has truly lived there knows about entitled haole tourists being surprised that it’s a “real” state that uses “real” money and has modern basics like electricity.
I’d add that anyone who has truly lived there knows about entitled haole tourists being surprised that it’s a “real” state that uses “real” money and has modern basics like electricity.
It was ignorant and dismissive on it’s face. The racism isn’t direct.
Because he has managed to stick to the only policy points they truly care about: banning the illegal brown people coming here to steal their jobs, blowing up the scary brown people that are terrorizing the mountainous terrain in the Middle East, and appointing an attorney general that will help arrest the uppity brown…
From the August 22, 1959 NYT article announcing Hawaii’s admission to statehood: “Much of the opposition [to Hawaii statehood] came from Southerners in Congress who took a dim view of the mixed racial strains of Hawaii’s population.” So there’s that.
Also if you want to go really deep Hawaii is actually a sovereign nation that is under occupation, making this insult especially egregious
It’s not because that’s not why they voted for him. They voted for him because the former president was black and to give liberals the middle finger. That’s it, really. Anything else is really overthinking it.
Not a linguist but studied it and various dead and alive languages in school, and had a close family member with dementia. I think his speech patterns sound like a combo of senility on the verge of dementia, lots of amphetamines, and his deep-seated fear that his deep truth is being laid bare, and he knows he is a…
Nothing surprises me anymore. I just read that and was like “...yea he would totally think that.”
This is the speech pattern that grandpa has right before you have the uncomfortable conversation where you tell him he can’t live by himself anymore.
I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.
I went to a meet-up for women in local politics and met a Slovenian woman who was running for a school board seat. She’s been a citizen for 15 years and has managed to build a MASSIVE community of Slovenian women in this small Minnesota suburb. She was brought over first, as a mail-order bride and she managed to…
Oh, I know these stories quite well. My wife grew up in the USSR but took a very different road to emigrate here.
These guys who seek “mail order brides” do so for a reason and it has nothing to do with love or altruism. There’s no shortage of women in their countries who are their equals in age, beauty, intelligence. They want someone out of their league who they can control. So let’s not pretend these femme fatales are taking…
THIS. They couldn’t vote Hillary because ideological purity. But fuck purity when it comes to some dude who wants to strip women’s rights? *rage stroke*
I’m pretty much willing to change my mind on things when given new information, but I will never bend on women’s health. The fact that bernie is willing to endorse a candidate who was recently anti-choice instead of the guy who seems more progressive is, as you said, very telling.
Especially when the “Bernie or bust” crowd kept crowing about remaining ideologically pure to justify not voting for Hillary. Thanks a lot assholes.
“...there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That’s what politics is about,” Sanders told NPR.
Preach. I genuinely agree with 99.99% of his positions but more and more I am realizing there is something really nasty about him. The primary shit once his candidacy was no longer viable really did hurt Hillary in the general and I think he’s more obsessed with his brand than actual legislative success
He endorses a guy for mayor who’s had a history of being against women’s rights, but doesn’t endorse another guy because he has different ways of getting the income gap down. Both are in red districts, and so both are not going to be ideologically pure. The fuck do you want Bernie? You’re not even a Democrat so you…
I totally agree with what he’s saying about supporting the best candidate which means you aren’t necessarily going to agree with them on everything but this seems deeply hypocritical given HIS OWN track record! The New Republic had a really good summary of what the guiding philosophy for rebuilding the Democratic…