
Bingo. Whenever there’s a high profile media circus surrounding a case, you NEED a media master to handle it. Low key types would just get overwhelmed. Allred is as loud and blustery as the opposition, so she’s who you want in your corner if you’re trying to take on the Cosby Industrial Complex or Donald Trump.

Gloria Allred (and her daughter, Lisa Bloom) are fantastic. They often take heat for being masters of media, but look at what they accomplish precisely because they know how to use media!

Make them free and easy to access. Otherwise you’re cutting the poor and others out from the franchise. Republicans know this, they’ve said as much, and they know it helps them to do so.

Texans stealing from Latinos? Never!

Would she be annoyed if it was a business dinner? If so, she’s a child and needs to grow up. Just like Pence’s self-loathing, homophobic wife.

Would she really? That sounds like an issue in your marriage. Assuming you are being honest and telling your wife your plans, why would that be a problem? If I found out after the fact that my husband had gone out to dinner with a lady when he said he was doing something else, I’d have a problem with it. But it would

I’m guessing that’s a reflection on you. I think you’re revealing more about yourself than you intended.

Speaking of stated boundaries in the Pence marriage, I still maintain that they’re actually a very out BDSM couple, which is why Mrs. Pence insists on being called Mother and doesn’t let her husband eat with other women.

I just love when a shit comment shows up and then the response has 4x the stars.

Yeah, that’s weird, dude. Lots of men have female friends up here in Liberalville. Because, ya know, women are people, not fuckholes.

He was a fucking US congressman for 12 years and the governor of a state for 4 years. He has been a private practice attorney. You don’t think he ever had a good reason to meet with a female colleague, client, business person, advisor, employee, or anything else important in the carrying out of the duties of those

Or he could treat women like equals and not pussies waiting to be filled.

This might strike you as insane, but I have never molested a woman yet I am often around them.

No. This is absolutely not simple mockery of Pence’s love for his wife. There was no real mockery about the Obamas obvious love or that of W and Laura Bush. However, Pence’s refusal to EVER be alone with a woman is a serious problem. This stems from a sort of Christian Conservatism that refuses to see men and women

I’m faithful to my wife, and I manage also not to treat other women like such sex starved cock hungry manipulative hussies that I can have a meal with them.

Both turn women into sex objects. The one because he talks about (and likely does) grab their sexual parts, and the other because he cannot even fathom spending time with a woman *without* it being sexual in nature (and therefore disloyal to his wife).

Also, what is it with people who were never in the military desperately wanting to dress like they were being almost perfectly correlated to people who desperately want to be dictators?

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.

Ill be honest, my grandfather had that exact same jacket and physique. It is the official uniform of the I think I was a badass back in the daybrand of Old Man. At least G.W. Bush was actually an aviator (cowardly dodging actual combat not withstanding). (My gramps was a ball turret gunner whose plane was shot

“I thought it was important that people on the other side of the DMZ see our resolve in my face.”