Let’s be honest: he’s being dumped because that sweet, sweet ad money has evaporated. Fox doesn’t care about the allegations against him. They care about money.
Let’s be honest: he’s being dumped because that sweet, sweet ad money has evaporated. Fox doesn’t care about the allegations against him. They care about money.
“I am not a racist.”™
Especially when fed investigations revealed systemic problems going all the way through departments. These “bad actors” are symptoms of a much greater problem. One that Gollum refuses to recognize.
It’s almost as if he just views the law as a means to enacting his own vision how society should function and who should be allowed to participate in it .
Most police chiefs disagree with Sessions about consent decrees. They allow these chiefs to make changes they otherwise would be almost certainly not be able to make to clean up their forces because of the strength of police union presidents absent the decrees. A chief may not care about police brutality (or even…
I have family that lives in Seoul and I live on the west coast, this North Korea thing is scaring the shit out of me. And I can’t do anything about it.
I got up until he asked the man the question then stopped. I saw my own grandfather dead on the floor less than 72 hours ago. I don’t know why I even clicked on the video in the first place.
So many fucking stupid hot takes in this thread. Talk about adding insult to injury. I’m out.
Honestly, I think that EVERY parent should have a talk about firearm safety, whether they own guns or not. With guns being so prevalent, you never know when your child may come into contact with one. I have quite a few guns at my house and a child, and I teach my son gun safety all the time, even with his toy nerf…
Guns need to be ubiquitious or tyranny I guess? I don’t really know. I haven’t owned or fired a gun in about 20 years.
Another gun that just went off, all on its own. This epidemic of spontaneously discharging weapons needs some investigation. Maybe we need some for of control on these guns to ensure that they stop just going off. Keep them away from people so that they don’t go off on their own and kill any more people.
Ten bucks says he actually had vanilla ice cream.
Because a certain number of people were tired of the “status quo” and were sick of “politics as usual” so they decided to elect an “outsider” with “great business background” who would “shake up” the “political elite” and “bring back sanity and common sense to Washington.”
“I liked the Klan until I found out they smoked pot.” - Jeff Sessions.
White supremacist leanings? Just leanings? Wasn’t he denied a job because of leaning too far towards white supremacy?
Jeff Sessions is a perfidious nincompoop, so his failure to read the most racist of his lines is well within his own incompetence level.
The issue here is not overbooking. Everyone knows the deal and freely enters into a contract with the airlines when they buy a ticket. An agreement which allows for overbooking.