
Boy, do I have a blog for you. Meet.... McMansion Hell [ETA: Can’t get the link to work, but Google it. So worth the effort.]

In 1973 the Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of Watergate.

Gran Peg won because she gently reminds people of a gentler time that was nowhere near as gentle as it’s remembered, but my oh my, things are so gosh darn complicated these days and if we would all just take a moment to think about how fortunate that we are to have been led by such gentle, wise men who only had our

“[A]n immature and stupid response that literally could not have ended any other way.” What an impressively succinct encapsulation of exactly the type of reflexive bootlickery Burneko denounced in his piece. And the nice thing is, you can make literally the same exact argument in favor of literally any act of defiance

Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.

The American people, especially the honest folk of middle America, are not kind decent folk. Well, they may be, until they encounter hierarchy.

Then they become craven asskissing bootlickers. We are a nation of joiners and toadies, and I will put a huge amount of money on a very strong correlation with joining a

Yeah, they do that with nazis and the nazi adjacent.

You’ve forgotten the most important step: Saying, repeatedly, that the people who get pushed off the cliff deserve it due to some inherent failing.

Jesus Christ is this comment section grim.

Trump divided the country by being an asshole. Obama divided the country by being black.

Any amount is too much.

militant white supremacists who don’t have a voice in the mainstream to begin with

You’re blaming liberals for the violence in this country that is almost exclusively being done by conservatives? This “both sides are the same” bullshit needs to stop.

Judging by the national media’s reaction to the Syria bombing, violence is what makes America great.

Honestly, I don’t understand the uproar. 7 people were killed by US missiles yesterday. We even gave their allies warning before launching them.

There’s not going to be a war. What happened was this: Assad stupidly went full Saddam and committed an atrocity that the West couldn’t just ignore, Trump saw an opportunity to gain back political points(the Repubs are struggling in a KANSAS election, ffs), Putin will make noise but is happy to see his puppet get back

Watching Rachel fucking Maddow, of all people, applaud the airstrikes last night was fucking appalling.

Congress has spent a long damn time abdicating from its responsibility to actually declare war. That’s why they voted on a very open-ended “authorization for the use of military force” back after 9/11. The US hasn’t officially declared war since WWII. Obama brought some kind of war-making resolution on the Syria

Your religious persecution complex might be getting in the way of your reading comprehension.

So you don’t believe your wife could have dinner with another man for purposes other than being unfaithful? You know women can have sex with other women as well, right?