It is funny how so many forget that. Just because Trump is the worst does not mean Bush is now suddenly not a war criminal.
It is funny how so many forget that. Just because Trump is the worst does not mean Bush is now suddenly not a war criminal.
Seems like a cool dude. I’d like to have a beer with him. Then I’d like to kick him in the fucking dick because he’s a fucking liar who lead us into an illegal war and brought shame on the nation.
Quaint is really the word we are looking for here. It’s how Watergate, and even Iran/Contra (where innocent Central Americans actually died) are looking in retrospect. Quaint.
War criminal. Fuck him.
Right, because every voter north of the Mason Dixon line voted blue, is not racist, sexist and/or homophobic.
It’s not totally far fetched. We already know Obama directed him to meet with congressional leaders in mid-September, and supposedly they had been on he fence for months with how to handle it.
Paid for? Or threatend into? Because I don’t really seeing this guy springing for a seltzer much less a surgical procedure.
Five. One was a minor. $20
Taking odds on how many girlfriends’ abortions he’s paid for over the years “but that’s different.” I’m guessing minimum three.
Great news, but let’s see if they’re convicted.
Great news for once and exceptional reporting, thanks. I heard someone say the main problem with abortion rights is that it’s treated as a political issue rather than one of medical privacy. Every medical decision a woman makes is between she (Her? Self-grammar police here) and her doctor. This metric needs to change…
Whoever wrote that headline
He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.
Paul Ryan’s reputation as the Republican’s “serious policy guy” seems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and…
this is a good observation; one that i’ve pointed out.
Exactly, the only reason we got the New Deal and the subsequent massive expansion of the social safety net through the ‘60s is that it was clear to all involved that, in most cases, only white people could benefit from these programs. The post-WW2 era witnessed one of the most massive wealth transfers our nation has…
Yes, yes, yes. This is why Scandinavian countries, for instance, are so accepting of universal health care and greater benefits for all - because they perceive the “all” as looking like they do.
Poor in mid-west or Appalachia? The world is out to get you and you just need some protection from the big bad coastal elites and we should really do something about the opioid abuse in your community.
And it doesn’t actually mean “poor”, either, it means blue collar lower-middle class.
I’m not sure I completely agree with it, but Chris Ladd’s “White Socialism” hypothesis has some appeal.