
To paraphrase the late, great Justice Potter Stewart “I know it when i see it”

You know, I could say eloquent things about how deranged this man and his constituents are, but really, just fuck us all.

the people with “life changing” injuries. They are the ones we should hear about, but we usually don’t. the dead are dead, and therefore easily quantifiable. But the ones that are living- they suffer, and have a terrible time ahead of them.

but we’ll have that sweet border wall and those sick new aircraft carriers!

$2000 for stitches is the abuse that the industry does to the American public.

I don’t think you get it. Democrats passed this shit. Therefore it’s bad (and probably illegitimate). There are unfortunate side effects but stopping the left is it’s own reward.

This is way, way more sinister than that. Rallies provide Trump the opportunity to speak directly to supporters without the press acting as an intermediary (and the fact-checking that comes along with it). It’s part of the autocrat’s playbook.

All I ask for is some goddamn logical consistency.

Yes, and that is not a new finding as you likely know. As much as we can point to economic inequality as a driver of unhappiness, we should understand that people are happiest when they’re around others that share their identity/values. This doesn’t necessarily mean racial identity, although that’s usually how it

“Instead, he asked the class to raise their hands if they knew of a female who had used a company to get maternity benefits and then left right after having a baby,”

As a Canadian, it also seems that the unhappiest people seem to emulate Americans. They also seem to all live in Alberta.

At least historically, societies with less diversity are more willing to create a strong safety net, because in American parlance, “assholes leaching off the system” are the same as you.

Doesn’t Switzerland have like four official languages? Seems odd to call it a homogenous society.

I understand your point, but Canada is 6th and is more ethnically diverse that the US. 1 in 5 Canadians are foreign born.

Use the company for maternity benefits? He does realize that there are next to ZERO companies offering maternity benefits in this country right? Beside the right not to be fired for having to birth a human, and the government approved time off that I’m allowed, you know what I get from my company - ZIP. ZILCH. NADA.

This! I teach a data, statistics, and Excel unit to very lucky 7th graders at a private middle school. We do not gloss over the fact that correlation does not equal causation. To use Tyler Vigen’s term, some of the most ‘spurious correlations’ are concocted out of ignorant, boneheaded readings of data, statistics, and

I wonder if that will be “aesthetically pleasing” enough?

And as a last resort ...

Jet fuel can’t melt migrants’ dreams.

You know, walls don’t just keep people out. And I bet the Berlin Wall was pretty to look at in the beginning, too.