
There’s every chance he’s been wired since the 80s, given what we know of his connections to the Mafia (both US and Russian).

And yet no sense that anything at all will become of this. Trump lies with impunity. Words have lost all meaning.

And it’s only going to get worse from here.

If you have to explicitly tell people you are not a Nazi... you’re a Nazi. Because people who are not Nazis don’t ever get asked the question in the first place. Simple really.

You really do have to wonder what’s going through their heads. Paul Ryan is currently hitching himself to a healthcare plan that will result in a 15-20% rate hike RIGHT WHEN THE MIDTERM IS HAPPENING, and they’re sending people out daily in front of the press to talk about how meals on wheels and free lunch programs

If yer daddy was a member of a Nazi-affiliated group and yer affiliated with an antisemitic political party and ya wear that Nazi group’s medal on television and sign yer name in tribute to a Nazi group and that Nazi group sez yer a member and when yer asked whether yer a member of a Nazi group ya just say “No

I think someone at Gizmodo pointed out that triggered GamerGaters intentionally downvoted movies and TV shows with female main characters? And a bunch of guys got triggered by it, pretty much proving the exact point the author was making.

every day i look, and listen and read and wonder: where are the grownups?

Now it’s “Huh. Another one. Sounds about right.”

Remember last year when it would have been surprising to learn that one of the president’s aides was a Nazi supporter? Good times, good times.

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney defended Trump’s cuts by arguing that after-school programs aimed at feeding children after school aren’t “helping kids do better at school.”

“A budget that puts #AmericaFirst must make safety its no. 1 priority—without safety there can be no prosperity”

“Gorka said that while he wore medals associated with Vitézi Rend, he did so to honor his father’s “struggle against totalitarianism” and not as evidence of membership with the anti-Semitic group.”


As people have been saying, Watergate didn’t happen all with one big story. There were multiple cracks in the dam and THEN it all exploded. Every piece matters and adds up and can be built upon to take the next step forward to uncovering the truth.

It’s almost as if someone without any experience who talks out of his ass might not know what he’s doing! It’s so weird that would happen in the Trump administration, though...totally out of character.

“I’m starting to think that Stephen Miller is not the brilliant tactician we thought he was...”