
Just because someone criticizes Hillary Clinton doesn’t invalidate their “wokeness” or make them “not an ally”

It’s good to know where you stand. Money money money :(

Considering the source is important to any issue. Pretending another wrote it would show what exactly?

Chaffetz is a elitist dickweed but that doesn’t change the fact that he has a valid point about people living outside their means.

A car is not a luxury in many places. I’ll use my hometown of Houston as an example. There is NO public transportation in the overcrowded suburbs, and a shitty bus system/joke of a “light rail” that goes maybe five miles from downtown to still downtown. So if you want to get to work, you’re driving.

Yes, money money money. I am a full time student who pays for school and all of my bills and I still have to feed myself. I would LOVE for the $60 or so dollars I would lose to not go to to work tomorrow to be a non-issue for me, but that’s the difference between having the lights on in my house or sitting in

See there are two places where your logic falls apart. 1st, poor people by and large are making fiscally responsible decisions when compared with people with more economic advantages. The idea that people are cashing their welfare checks and running out and buying luxury cars, the latest iphone and jewelry instead of

I posted on my facebook that I supported the people who chose to strike but that I was choosing not to, because at my particular job there is a lot of income/background disparity and I was concerned that all the white women would take the day off and all the POC would be at work (and based on the requests I’ve seen

Strikes require massive infrastructure in order to ensure participation. There is no formula for a workable strike that is made up of privileged pockets of engagement from those wealthy enough to sacrifice. The sacrifice of the wealthy needs to be ongoing. They need to ensure the poor women who skip work have a

This is a nice idea but I have to make my money. But.. I will refrain from spending my money in solidarity.

I can’t believe we’re still here. We’re still letting the wealthy essentially sentence poor people to death for the crime of not having enough money. We call ourselves the greatest country in the world? For our healthcare system alone, we’re a fucking joke.

I am going to have to second the guy who said you should eat a bag of dicks.

I knew I was going to get mad, but I clicked the link anyway.

Ctrl V @ Jay

Your reply is at most a 1/4 truth considering Obama had actually said that families may need to reevaluate their monthly budgets in order to afford some plans. Where as senator Imbecile basically said “Poor people are dumb and if they wouldn’t buy iPhones they could afford health insurance!” Last I

Typical conservative troll. Outlandish talking point gets (rightly and brilliantly) destroyed and the response is: “Durr... Obama said something like this before I think.”

Quick, don’t touch the Googles. Make a guess on how much Jason Chaffetz was making in 2007, the year before he became a member of the US House. And make a guess on how much he thought his net worth was.

Not a bad take, but I’d add that sometimes it’s a matter of people having endured that struggle and assuming that others can do it in the same fashion.

The “iPhone vs Healthcare” debate is more comfortable than the “Food vs Medicine” debate that most poor people experience.

There may be my life experience biases coming in, but when I hear people that lack empathy for others, especially the poor, I automatically assume they have never really struggled with survival. That’s probably wrong since we all internalize things differently.