
They will never realize. When they eventually complain, someone will point out that it is because all the spending on immigrants, people who don’t work, slutty women, etc.... Just a few more years of financial hardship and then the rightwing conservative white utopia will open up for them.
They will nod and accept this

This. I’m on Medicaid. Ironically Republicans just told me “don’t work, stay broke so you can keep your Medicaid and get treatment for your chronic illness”.

They will never realize or admit it. My republican Trumper uncle voted for Bush, was all in on invading Iraq but then also spent the entire campaign season talking shit about how Hillary clinton’s judgement couldn’t be trusted because she “led us into Iraq.” Conservatives have amnesia about all of their wrong

Damn, this is so sad — I wonder if it will ultimately make people mad enough to crack the door open for universal health care to be on the table in the U.S.? I will try my best to further the cause of Canadian hegemony by touting its benefits (to counter the myths spread by the U.S. right wing that we all hate it or

I clicked this link and the thumbnail I was immediately greeted with was ‘President Paul Ryan Funeral’ and, God help me, I smiled. I smiled wide and hard.

I’m about to cry.

If a tax credit is an ‘entitlement’ then the rich have been getting entitlements for decades. I’m surprised that the media isn’t making that connection.

*votes for the guy who said dozens and dozens of times, over and over again, that he would get rid of Obamacare*

What is “Because they’re fucking evil” Alex.

I swear if every one of these shitweasels just dropped dead tomorrow morning, I would not ask questions. Not a chance in hell I’d look a gift horse like that in the mouth. Are you there God? It’s me. I’ve got a birthday coming up in a month or so...

I suspect there is a horrid looking portrait up in his attic somewhere...

I’m so fucked.

It boggles my mind that people think he is attractive. Looks like a deflated, constipated smurf.

It is in his official state biography. Which of course is just a television because in this dark future the written word was forbidden and all “artsy” movies destroyed. Now people tell of Tarkovsky movies in hushed voices: “and then there was a shot that held for eight minutes and slowly zoomed out to reveal the man

That’s right. And we need to keep hammering the shit out of this creep with stuff just like this, because it’s exactly what gets to him. Get him the fuck out of here already.

He did say some totally insane things though, as well as a whopping number of outright lies. I don’t understand why the content got such a nearly universal pass from mainstream media. They apparently just forgot all about facts and sanity, and went right back to the normalizing coverage that helped put him in office

Next thing people will be forced to admit is that kind of keeping your shit together and not saying anything, by his standards, that was completely insane for 45 minutes, while reading a pretty run of the mill political speech off a TelePrompTer in front of Congress, didn’t suddenly make a lifelong bigoted,

But the dome will be made out of American* steel!

Our country was founded on hypocrisy and terrorism, we should be pretty good at it by now

Someone on a forum I go to pointed out how Rose’s defense of Chris to the cop in the beginning was a clue that something wasn’t right due to her not wanting the cops to have a record that Chris was out there since.... well.. you know.