This is being pushed by Sylvia Allen, who not only is a complete moron, she is also totally corrupt. The only thing she respects are her GOP overlords. Seriously, I once saw her tell a crowd that teachers should be willing to work for free.
This is being pushed by Sylvia Allen, who not only is a complete moron, she is also totally corrupt. The only thing she respects are her GOP overlords. Seriously, I once saw her tell a crowd that teachers should be willing to work for free.
Republicans are straight loyalists - no two-ways about it. They’d have strung up the whole lot of economic terrorists
In case anyone was interested, since people love to shriek about it online, this is what erosion and violation of the first amendment actually looks like.
It makes me think of the Louisiana rep who proposed special vouchers for students who want a religious education. She lost it when she found out that non-Christians would also get to use the vouchers the same way.
Fifth columnists! Agents provocateur! Commies! Radical Islamists! The Gays! The Blacks! The Women! The Gay Black Women!
If Great Britain had enacted this policy against the Colonists, it would have so angered the Founding Fathers that they probably would have made it a specific bullet point in their list of grievances justifying their Declaration of Independence.
An attack on our right to assemble. They might as well light the constitution on fire since they seem to have so little respect for it and for democracy.
I think they were just using that scenario to shake the idiots supporting this bill into realizing hey, it could affect your side too!
I’m a gardener so I vote for xeriscaping his front lawn. A few cacti and some other pretty succulents and no one’s crossing his lawn again. Also, no pesticides or watering needed. Win-win!
1. Without video evidence, these two boys would get criminal records that could socially and economically cripple them for life. They still might.
Also, literally one of the first things you learn in law school (other than suing somebody without money is never worth it) is: “deadly force in defense of property is NEVER reasonable.” NEVER. It’s a longstanding American principle and one that the law has gotten so right. We value human life over property, it’s…
Knitting is good for stress and they could produce something useful like scarfs and mittens and no dead kids.
The cop probably “felt threatened” because the kid - ugh, a goddamn kid - said something that the guy didn’t agree with. I’m sorry, but no matter what happened, an adult should NEVER manhandle a child like that - disrespectful or not. Get a hold of that kid’s parent and tell him how much of a jackass he’s being before…
Ex cop here.
So this guy fucked up in all kinds of ways. He created the entire situation, pulled his gun, then shot it, either accidentally or on purpose. I’m so sick of people with power thinking they can do whatever in the fuck they want to other people.
These are kids, for crying out loud. KIDS. He, as a fucking police officer who has had significant training for these types of situations, should know how to handle it without having to pull out his gun and shoot it. It was not the child’s responsibility to de-escalate shit.
If I ever saw a random man holding a child like that I would assume that he would be going to prison for assaulting a minor.
Or if the kids had been white. We’ve been working hard to change our social norms and now is the time to raise hell about our desired norms being broken. They need to be told a thousand times over that this shit is UNACCEPTABLE.
Why do you have a fucking gun out to confront a 13-year-old about crossing your lawn in the first goddamn place?
Cops have control issues - which is why they always have to control their surroundings.