No, thankfully. I’m just surprised they get away with so much.
No, thankfully. I’m just surprised they get away with so much.
That’s freaking nuts. What is even the point of asking people their political opinions on Trump, or about their religion, or anything, for that matter? It’s not like you’re gonna know if they’re lying or not. Sounds like an excuse for getting people to say something that they could somehow twist and distort into…
If you hate being a dick about it, then stop being a dick about it. She does a shitload of work to save money already. Clipping coupons is a huge time sink that gains savings that generally don’t justify the time put into them. Unless you think your wife’s time has no value? And if you’re adamant enough about clipping…
Oh my god, yes. I am pretty frugal. I read the shelf labels for the per unit costs, have subbed in generics for a lot of my regular items, and know which stores have the best prices on which items, but there’s no way I am clipping coupons. Grocery shopping and all the meal-adjacent stuff already saps so much mental…
You should ease up! Coupon clipping ain’t where it’s at anymore.
That’s not the worst part. My brother, who was in a better financial situation thanks to organized crime, found out that he could manipulate me with food so he would have me do things like accompany him to places that made no sense. I found out years later after the feds arrested him that he was using me as a decoy in…
This is how people whose parents were rich think that they made it on their own.
You were middle class.
Just kind of meant it as a toss off, but it’s hilarious all these fairly well to do people bending over backwards to make someone who’s dad had a sweet government job, who spent vacations, that’s plural so multiple vacations, in Europe, who’s mother could afford to be an artist is just a regular old poor person. Like…
Yeah, nobody thinks they’re rich
One of the things that makes me super angry when I hear about the American health system is how poor people just don’t go to the doctors. It confuses me, because it just means people get sicker and eventually cost more (totally ignoring the human pain cost). For example, I can’t remember the last time I paid for the…
It really hit me when we had to do class projects in 3rd grade and I did mine on the Titanic because the movie had just come out so it was easy to obtain magazines and information about it. I made a replica Titanic out of a empty plastic cat food container because that’s all there was around my house. At the time I…
I can’t remember when I first realized we were in the upper middle class (dad’s a prominent attorney, mom was in entertainment business), but I do remember my parents clearly teaching me that their money is THEIR money. I was being a snotty 13 year old and begging my mom for the latest trendy jeans - they were like…
When I had to lie to my mother about how hungry I was because there wasn’t enough food for the both of us.
Were you actually poor, or just not “really rich”?
I came to realize we were poor the way a kid begins to understand most things - over time, and in fits and starts. I spent my Saturday mornings for probably 10 years standing in lines outside churches with my dad, laundry basket in hand, waiting for the charity food line to open. I knew not to bring field trip…
Second grade. Opened my lunchbox midyear to find half a bologna sandwich, a gherkin pickle, and an empty cup to get water from the fountain. I was like, “Huh. We’re POOR.” Then I shrugged and hightailed it to the playground.