InfoWars is only about liberal conspiracies.
InfoWars is only about liberal conspiracies.
From what I heard from people on the line it was total BS. He didn’t answer questions and didn’t take any concerns seriously
“Are you upset when the United States attempts to influence other country’s elections? Or, you know, topples their governments?”
Sure, but “YOU GUYS DID IT TOOOOOOOO!!!!” isn’t a terribly compelling point on either side is what I’m saying.
POLITICS IS NOT SPORTS! Stop getting your identity from this crap and think!
If this thought gets you down, remember he actually only fooled around 22% of the country. 55% of the country didn’t vote.
Lack of transparency is a major problem under both parties. Obama was particularly bad in going after whistleblowers, especially given his campaigning on open government. The difference between the two administrations is the severity of the deeds they have tried to keep secret.
Love how everybody is shouting about how everybody else is a hypocrite while the leader of the free world thrashes around like a shark that accidentally jumped into a boat.
It’s classic deflection. Weak, but still.
That’s never happened before.
Rewarding Milo with legitimate press coverage is only going to encourage other trolls. He’s gotten (in)famous solely by saying stupid things louder than anyone else. Now other idiots will be spurred on to even more reprehensible bullshit in the hopes they’ll land a sweet book deal of their own.
I’d bet next week’s paycheck that Larry destroys the poor kid. He’s been running in circles where he’s a novelty because he’s gay and conservative but I don’t think he’s run into the likes of Wilmore before. And it’s live, so he’s got to come up with quick and witty responses. My guess is that it doesn’t go well for…
One of the things keeping me going is just imaging how fucking fascinating the Ken Burns 15 part documentary on this time in history is going to be.
Oooooh, Larry Wilmore. So torn now. Larry Wimore is my TV dad.
Maher is one of those weird people where I agree with like, 60% of what he says enthusiastically and then I’m completely repulsed and offended by the other 40%. I’ve vacillated between “fuck him” and “meh” over the last decade at least.
Courting controversy and having controversial figures on has pretty much always been Bill Maher’s thing. I mean he (Bill) is an ass. But he often seems to try to get insufferable people on his show.
Just got an alert that the person who was offered flynn’s position turned it down because the WH is too chaotic, which shows me he should’ve been the person in that job.
If the book about the first 100 days of this presidency isn’t called Unpresidented, I will riot.
Fuck Bill Mahr. I’ve never found him funny and having that Nazi shitbag on his show makes me feel justified for hating him.