Let’s be clear. He was asked three times about Jew-hatred, and refused three times to answer. He shushed and scolded a man in a kippah who complimented him, because a question about Jews in danger annoyed him.
Let’s be clear. He was asked three times about Jew-hatred, and refused three times to answer. He shushed and scolded a man in a kippah who complimented him, because a question about Jews in danger annoyed him.
You’re really underselling his comment to the black reporter. He asked if they were friends of hers and if she could set up a meeting.
No they didn’t. GW’s was a largely lawless, fact-free, Administration that broke all kinds of standards and conventions — including the Geneva Conventions — to pursue an Imperial plan that is still paying “dividends” in a completely unstable Middle East. But EVEN THEY relied more on institutional norms than this…
Sure, but let’s leave bleach out of it. Bleach did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment.
We’re looking back at the Dubya years as “the good old days”. Yeah, Dubya was kinda dumb, but he meant well and he had smart, competent people around him. Cheney was a vicious sociopath, but he was at least loyal to the US. Yeah, they stole an election, but at least it wasn’t with Russia’s meddling.
I’m a PhD. We are great people with whom to drink.
Did those things really happen? I am literally not sure what is real or satire/sarcasm when it comes to this administration anymore.
someone started a private group just for conservatives in the neighborhood so they can share their hate without being shamed (there was a follow-up post about how members shouldn’t be concerned about joining as the membership of the group is hidden)
Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.
Trump is in early stage dementia. President Bannon on the other hand...
The best part of this is that Sally Yates comes out looking even more awesome at her job than when Trump fired her.
Brace yourself. This republican agrees. I sent a few tweets to 45 last night rubbing in the fact that when he fired Yates, he fired the best person on his team and now looks like the BEST, the most HUGH jackass in DC. I also sent multiple tweets to Chavetz calling for him to stop blocking and give us the investigation…
“The leak’s the story, not the info that was leaked” has been administration-flack-speak for “We’re guilty as hell” since Nixon at least.
Scary was the sieg-heils Herr Asshat had his mountain militia doing almost year ago in one of his rallies.
[Citation Please]
Please go back to jalopnik.com then.
That chicken must be worn out from all the fucking you have done to it. Trump has more ties to Saudi Arabia that Clinton. Hence why the “good muslims” from there are allowed in.
I think it’s clear that the Russians were pushing to support Trump, but I think they (like everyone else) still thought Hillary would win. Trump winning was more than they thought they could get.
The worst part is now Flynn can’t afford his car payments.