
I have a friend who dated a guy (very briefly) who apologized when he came.

Yep. And how stupid was the person that flipped out on you.

Ugh, my husband’s grandfather did this too! And my husband thought it was FUNNY to do as a joke on the occasion we eat dinner early - ha ha ha because that means we’re old!

There is a joke in there somewhere

True story: in the 90s I gave my parents a watercolor painting of their house done by none other than Mother Pence. She had a side business and I will say she was nice during our interactions. Its not a bad painting, looks like their house. When its time to divide up the house stuff after my mom dies (hopefully not

I do not thrust because then I would come and dirty Mother’s sheets and I would be scolded (Mother’s domain is the bedroom). So I lie still and wait for Mother to say, “That is enough,” and then I roll over to my side of the marital bed and lie still until morning.

Which reminds me of this:


Petraeus may turn out to be the savvy pick.

...a retired Army lieutenant general with years of intelligence experience.

Mike Flynn immediately after submitting his resignation:

Cmon, in what way is paying people to write down antisemetic slogans not funny?

How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.

When you’ve won Stormfront’s support you done fucked up.

He was only preaching anti-Semitism *ironically* over and over and over and...

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

I was actually gob smacked at the masterful passive-agression going on. And the flipping between English and French MEGA-power move!

meh, he was hanging out on the aga khan’s private island a couple weeks ago, not too big a diff.