
Can’t really agree here. Having reliable TAS tools for the WiiU is super useful and doubly impressive when you consider dragonbane did this by himself. Remember: his tools are what allowed Girtana1 to capture the inputs for WWHD’s Barrier Skip. Without those recorded angles, gymnast could never have found a proper

B-b-b-but it was just a “heated gaming moment.”

The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?

Yeah, this keeps coming back up - but actually, in this specific case, it’s “me.” It still sounds weird, tho!

Uzumaki definitely gets better over time, but it breaks immersion so much with the monologues on spirals, the bizarre supernatural conflicts, and the unrealistic responses of the locals, who don’t try to get out of dodge until the very end. I thought Amigara Fault was better in that it’s more immersive, and the

Psh. Uzumaki.

Yes. It’s also just another Uncharted game with beautiful vistas, fleshed out characters, a compelling story and a photo mode that lets you do winky faces!

She’s a woman holding a book she must be dealt with appropriately.

Imagine being so fragile that you think the STATUE OF LIBERTY is somehow a liberal conspiracy.

I would admire a Japanese studio doing an manga adaptation where all the characters are cast with actors of the intended nationality.

Wouldnt it be more accurate to say they changed races? FULL METAL ALCHEMIST takes place in europe. Just look at the architecture and the cultural background.

It was a good game and a blast to play. Nix Vaan and the game would be even better!

As far as I can tell there has never been an official answer, so I am extremely thrilled to be able to provide one, 19 years later.

That’s... Actually a pretty dope art style. Almost feels like a waste that it’s only being used for avatars, I would watch a Pixar flick with characters like these.


Is that a Paine I spot for P? Also, who is the yellow dude on J?

Yeah, if the original game actually had a KKK reference, I would agree with him. So many games get censored when coming in the west while other games get censored when going in the east in the same way but in for some reason they are fine in the country of origin. But in this case, the KKK reference was not even

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

Excellent article, thank you for this! Really takes me back.