Because we’re not the ones censoring a flag.
Because we’re not the ones censoring a flag.
Look up the Paradox of Tolerance you fucking chud, and then crawl back under your rock and keep using your tears to jack off about how black and brown people are the real racists.
Someone who goes through a video game and mods out any rainbow flags because he’s scared of catching Gay from them is not someone who is interested in, or deserves, constructive criticism.
How are you any better?
My dude it’s pretty simple.
“How are you any better?”
Easily. Being homophobic and criticizing someone for being homophobic are not equal.
This is a bad take.
The funniest no-spiders mod I’ve ever seen was for one of the Thief games. It went something like, it gave every spider 1HP, made them friendly, made all other NPCs hostile to them, killed them at the beginning of the level, changed their model to a rock, made them invisible and teleported them outside the map…
Nah, shut the fuck up. Ban ‘em. If they downloaded the mod to stoke their homophobia, off they should go. The only extreme is the extremely tedious defence from apologists and morons. Like yourself.
Imagine being so full of hate that you sit down and spend the time to design a mod that removes a flag you do not like in a game. Its some real “angry incel in their moms basement” level energy
Good. Next ban everyone who used it.
They can be all ages. Hell, one of the originals (Surge) is a military lieutenant.
That’s what I mean by outlier, he’s so far removed from any other protagonist he doesn’t make a valuable metric. He’s a feral little goblin man.
Had never experienced The Red Wedding in a kitchen before this show, but having seen it I’m now very stressed out.
Once you get used to the combat, you’ll really start to enjoy it.
It does start with a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the mechanics down it becomes much easier (especially after leveling up a bit). Very much the “Dark Souls” of Star Wars in it’s difficult yet rewarding style. You’ll get there. :)
Trini 2 de Bone is basically about a ghost, so I think it applies. (The kid gave off Sixth Sense vibes, at times too.)
Man this one hit weirdly close to home for me. At least the tribunal stuff. I’m white passing but native. And I was certainly “raised white” I guess with the “benefits” of whiteness. Switched bands (tribes) a few years ago, along with my mum and sister. A bunch of sitting members had to hear our cases and decide to…
I’m loving how unique the lens flares are, due to the structure of the mirrors.
You can say that again. Wouldn’t it be a nicer system if there was just one hunter bow, one sharpshot bow, etc, etc. that you can just continuously upgrade? Maybe switch between elemental arrows on the fly? Kind of like the way Tomb Raider does it.