
The media has realized that they can mine social media for material that triggers anonymous people into flocking to the comment section to prove to other anonymous people how great they are.

Edit: Oops. Sorry, @cesar-online. For a minute there I thought I was the one being called a mass-murderer. My secret is still safe!

You make a good point, @cesar-online. I take back everything I said. :P The problem, though, is that even if I delete my comment after having been enlightened by unfounded selfrighteousness, someone’s bound to have taken a screenshot of my comment to persecute me further anyway. XD Maybe I can get even more

Welp, I’m glad there are so many obediently triggered SJWs out there, willing to persecute people for things they already regret saying. In the normal world, deleting a tweet would count as an apology or at least regret, and people would put away their fangs instead of screen-grabbing it and shoving it in your face.

With all of the pajama boys out there these days, it’s nice to see an alpha male take care of bid-ness once in a while.

Go into your ad blocker and add these filters.

You’ll never like it, and they’ll never change it back. You know what sticks in my craw, that has been in effect for awhile now? Only part of the comments loading when I hit All Comments+Comments Pending. I’m not reading this on my phone. I said I wanted to see them all.

You are both wildly incorrect. There is no cut. Pimps keep all the money. 100 percentile. Watch American Pimp. It is a wonderful doc.

Right? Even the worst of the worst take 50-55%

I worked storage for two years and my husband for five—the worst cases I encountered here in So. Cal were when people would leave the country and trust someone to pay their rent for them, only to have that person flake.

My buddy’s wife scored one by waiting outside a game store for an hour before opening. She was the last person in line to receive one. So far, it’s the only one I’ve ever seen in the wild and I’ve been hunting ever since.

Latinx is the stupidest word to try to gain traction since YOLO. Say Latin. Say Latino and Latina, say Hispanic. Don’t invent some bullshit word that doesn’t have a good pronunciation. And by the way, taking a Spanish word and changing it to suit “woke” English speakers in the United States is the definition of

Did it ever truly exist?

How do you know it doesn’t originate out of an act of compassion? In contrast, how do you know that what we consider and act of compassion among humans isn’t just chemical induced evolutionary responses just like the ants? What if C.A.T. really spelled dog?

Imagine, if you will, how horrible that must be for hentai game characters.

Shut the fuck up, bootlicker.

Yeah I never understood any part of that hating. I’ve enjoyed her work in everything I’ve seen her in, and she seems to be a reasonably decent human being.

That’s all good stuff, but unless they rerecorded the voice work, this isn’t going to fix bad writing or bad voice acting.

I think it’s realistic. She’s 600 years in cryo, imagine what kind of fart is stuck in there. She wakes up, what the first thing that wants to come out? Yep, it’s that 600 years old fart.

I don’t know man. Guess is that people still have fond memories of this game and really want d2 to give them that same feeling.